For the study you selected, describe the following:
What is a hypothesis?
What is the hypothesis of the study?
What is a theory?
What is the theory that supports the hypothesis? (Be sure to relate and
distinguish between hypothesis and theory)
What is a variable? Conceptual definition of a variable? Operational Definition of a variable?
For two of the main variables in the hypothesis, describe how they operational defined each variable.
Issues in operational definitions and variables
What is the difference between subjective and objective scales?
What are the dimensions of a variable?
Apply one of these two ideas to the variables described in part 3.
Type of Study
Is the study closer to an experiment, correlational study, or descriiptive/case study/naturalistic observation? Explain your reasoning.
Give a citation for the source in APA format. ( and other online sources help. Our library has a style guide handout as well.