I’m working on a history question and need support to help me study. Part one: Write a Paragraph: Describe the Traditional view of Reconstruction: (located on the first few pages of article)
Part Two: Describe Four American Reconstruction Historians’ views on reconstruction.Begin with the name of the Historian
Next, include a direct quote from the article
Followed by the page that the quote appears
Lastly, state why this view is important for understanding Reconstruction.
Skip a line and begin the process again
For Example: Joel Williamson in his book After Slavery: “….portrayed the period as a time of extraordinary political, social, and economic progress for blacks. The establishment of public school, the granting of equal citizenship to blacks, the effort to restore the devastated Southern economy, the construct an interracial political democracy from the ashes of slavery, all these were commendable achievements” (page 21) After each author’s position write why his view is important because … (How does this view increase our understanding of reconstruction?) Part Three: Write a Paragraph that describes the New View of Reconstruction
Requirements: 3 paragraphs