1. Define or describe what protective factors are in your own words. (approx. 30-50 words)
2. Describe why it is important to use a protective factors framework when working with families. Besides families involved in the child welfare system, describe other scenarios, settings, or situations where protective factors would be helpful. (50-100 words)
3. Read through the six scenarios on the website included below, identify the protective factors in each scenario (i.e., each scenario is set up like a mini-quiz), and address the following prompts: https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/preventing/promoting/protectfactors/protective-factors-toolkit/practice/ (Links to an external site.)
Reflect on:
(a) how you did on the scenarios. Which scenario(s) did you do best on? Which did you do the worst on? Why was one scenario more or less comfortable than other? (50-100 words)
(b) whether there anything you feel you need to do to prepare yourself to work with families involved in or at risk of being involved in the child welfare system. (50-100 words)
(c) what you learned from the case scenarios. Make sure to give specific examples from the case scenarios so your peers know which scenario you are talking about. For example, what surprised you? What is the most important thing you took away from the scenarios/what stood out most to you? (min. 100 words)
(d) whether you would add any protective factors to the list. What would your protective factor add? Why would you add it to the list? (50-100 words)