Choose two (2) of the following questions below. Answers should be thorough and supported using course content and/or additional sources. Each answer should be no less than one FULL page (1” margins, 11-12 pt. font, double-spaced), with a reference list included.
Question #1:
Define and discuss the rationale for multicultural education and how group stereotypes can be avoided. Describe multicultural applications in the classroom that will allow all students to be represented and have a voice. Be sure to include aspects of socioeconomic diversity, gender diversity and language diversity. Use course content and other resources to support you thoughts.
Question #2:
According to the text, “Learning is a relatively permanent change in the behavior, thoughts, or feelings of an organism that results from experience. Behavioral accounts of learning deal with the causes of and changes in observable behavior. Cognitive learning models, in contrast, deal with mental processes (p. 264).” Think about the following statement and determine whether you agree. Defend your answer using the textbook, notes, and other reference information. Talk about what “learning” is and the behavioral, social and cognitive approaches to learning, as well as the implications of these theories and how they impact classroom management and learning. Be thorough and use reference sources to support your answer.
Question #3:
In the first class, you defined what educational psychology meant to you and your course expectations. Reflecting on your current views of what constitutes being an expert teacher and the impact on student learning, how does it compare to what your thoughts were at the beginning of the course? Has this course changed/enhanced your ideas about teaching and learning? Please explain your answer and provide specific examples, using reference sources to support your ideas.