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DB 11: Race and Ethnicity Part 2 Initial Posts (Step 1) due at 11:59pm on Th. Ma

May 12, 2024

DB 11: Race and Ethnicity Part 2

Initial Posts (Step 1) due at 11:59pm on Th. May 9 || Responses to Classmates (Step 2) due at 11:59pm on Sun. May 12

Note Before You Begin Working on Your Initial Post

Given that I need to give you information that is at times detailed, and that requires you to move between pages/screens, I suggest you either print out these instructions or read through them and take notes on the required steps before you begin working on your post. That way you have a hard copy in front of you and do not need to move between pages.

If you would like to download and print a copy of the following instructions, click here


Step 1: Your Initial Post

This Step is worth 5 points

You will be exploring redlining maps from the 1930s-1940s and comparing them to demographic data nowadays.

Please do the following, taking notes along the way as requested. After the following, you will see the questions to answer in your initial post.

  1. Go to Mapping Inequality at https://dsl.richmond.edu/panorama/redlining/#loc=5/39.1/-94.58Links to an external site. . Read the introduction page, titled “Mapping Inequality Redlining in New Deal America.” Be sure to understand what “redlining” is, how it was created by the Home Owner’s Loan Corporation (HOLC), what each ‘grade’ (i.e., color) meant, and the role that race and ethnicity played in these grades/colors.
  2. Then, click on “Explore the Maps”. You will see a map of the U.S. with a bunch of multi-colored circles on various cities throughout the U.S. You will be selecting 2 cities from this map, at least one of which is outside California. The cities you select must be marked by the circles that are red, yellow and green (in other words, do not choose any orange circles). Take note of the names of the 2 cities you selected (remember one must be outside CA).
  3. Now learn about each city you selected on the map by clicking on the cities’ circle. Do the following for each city you selected:
    1. After you have clicked the city’s circle, you will see the following options/tabs about the city: “Context,” “Categories & Space,” “Population,” and “Area Descriptions.” Click on the “Area Descriptions” tab. You will then see a list of areas in that city that have been graded (i.e., color-coded) in the 1930s-40s by HOLC. Choose one greenlined (green-colored) area in this city by clicking on the area description so that it expands. Then:
      1. Read the “Characteristics and Descriptions of the Area” and take notes on these characteristics and descriptions (what stands out to you).
      2. Take a look on this selected on the map (it will be illuminated on the map). Get a sense of the shape of this area and, if you can, write down some of the street names.
      3. Then click on “Scan” in the Area Description so you can see the original document created by HOLC. At the bottom of the scan is written the “Location” — write down this location name.
    2. Now do the same thing you just did for A, but now for a redlined (red-colored) area in this city. Remember to take notes on the “Characteristics and Descriptions of the Area” and to write down the location of this redlined area.
    3. Note that after you have done A-B, you will have information about a total of 4 areas — 2 areas (one redlined and one greenlined) for each city.
  4. You will now find the current zip codes of the 4 locations (2 per city) you learned about for #3. Go to the “US Zip Codes” map at https://www.unitedstateszipcodes.orgLinks to an external site.. In the “Enter a Location” bar, enter the name of the area (don’t forget both the city and state!) for each area you selected. Note the following:
      1. You will likely have more than one zip code generated. This is where your notes on street names and the shape of the graded/colored area on the original map will help you. Try to locate the zip code closest to the area you selected on the Mapping Inequality (HOLC) map. Write down the zip code.
      2. Remember that you will be getting 4 zip codes — (2 per city). Be sure to keep track of which zip codes were redlined and which zip codes were greenlined.
  5. Now go to The Opportunity Atlas at https://www.opportunityatlas.orgLinks to an external site., read the introduction and click on “Begin Exploring”. Read the “Get Started in Three Easy Steps” overview, then click “OK”. Enter the zip codes for each of your areas in the “search for address or place” bar. Then:
    1. You will see “Children’s Outcome in Adulthood.” For each of your 4 zip codes, take note of the following:
      1. Household Income at Age 35
      2. Job Growth Rate (You may need to click on More Characteristics)
      3. Poverty Rate
      4. Anything else you find important

Now click “Reply” and do the following:

  1. Use the following template to tell us information about the two cities you selected and the redlined and green lined areas in each:
    1. City 1: name and state ___________________
      1. greenlined area location/name: __________________
        • what you noted from “Characteristics and Descriptions of the Area” on Mapping Inequality (question 3A above):
        • Household Income at Age 35:
        • Job Growth Rate:
        • Poverty Rate:
        • Anything else you found important?
      2. redlined area location/name:
        • what you noted from “Characteristics and Descriptions of the Area” on Mapping Inequality (question 3B above):
        • Household Income at Age 35:
        • Job Growth Rate:
        • Poverty Rate:
        • Anything else you found important?
    2. City 2: name and state ___________________
      1. green lined area location/name ________________
        • what you noted from “Characteristics and Descriptions of the Area” on Mapping Inequality (question 3A above):
        • Household Income at Age 35:
        • Job Growth Rate:
        • Poverty Rate:
        • Anything else you found important?
      2. redlined area location/name __________________________
        • what you noted from “Characteristics and Descriptions of the Area” on Mapping Inequality (question 3B above):
        • Household Income at Age 35:
        • Job Growth Rate:
        • Poverty Rate:
        • Anything else you found important?
  1. Now, reflect on what you have found in terms of similarities and differences between redlined and greenlined areas and across time. In your reflection, I’d like you to compare the redlined and greenlined areas in each city to each other. I’d also like you to reflect on how each area you selected in the 1940s compares to nowadays. What similarities and differences do you notice?
  2. Now talk about the 3 benefits of wealth, redlining and the racial wealth gap as they relate to what you have found. To do so, answer the following:
    1. How can the history of redlining and the 3 benefits of wealth explain differences in outcomes that you see nowadays in the 4 areas you selected? Be sure your answer uses only course material on the 3 benefits of wealth, which you learned during Week 11 (click here to return to that information), redlining and the racial wealth gap, which you learned about in Week 13 (click here) and in Week 11 (click here).
    2. Does anything surprise you? Does anything disappoint you? Anything else you’d like to add?
  3. Explain how racial discrimination in the job market may exacerbate income and wealth gaps between racial groups. In your answer, reference what you learned from the study described in the “Race at Work” article (click here and click here to return to that material).
  4. If you could enact at least one change in society to ameliorate/lessen/eliminate racial disparities in wealth and income, what would you propose? How can we as individuals do to help eliminate racial disparities in income and wealth?

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