Dal Open Learning class in Local Government. Final Assignment.
a grade of 75 to 80 % is requested
Requirements: Approximately 2000 words. Include references to the readings or external sources, module content, and any additional information to support your ideas.
Times New Roman, 12 pt font, double spaced.
Submit as an MS Word document.
Data informed decisions should inform creative solutions to the complex problems facing local government. Describe three significant challenges facing your municipality and offer one creative solution that contributes to the resolution of all three challenges based on recent and relevant data available to you.
Reports are evaluated on report structure & formatting, content & complexity, grammatical accuracy, overall effectiveness as a proposal and are connected directly to the learning outcomes. For full details on how your report will be graded, see the rubric in Brightspace (if applicable).
Course references attached
The paper has to focus on challenges facing my community. The community is District of Carleton North, new Brunswick. The challenges that I would like to focus on are Infrastructure, Housing and Physician Recruitment as they are all linked.
Physician Recruitement is a challange to this area beacuase the area has an large percentage of aging populations. Lack of family physicians add stress to the aging population as they do not know how to use the online resource Maple/E-visit. lack of family physicians put more strain on the emergency room as residents use it as a walk in clinic. The area lost 2 doctors in 2024 and the area depends on the 2 remaining doctors for the over 9000 residents. The area has an influx of new residents with people emigrating from other provinces, immigrating from other countries and seasonal foriegn workers. These new residnets are are younger and have families. children and growing families require a family physician as well.
Some companies have built their own rooming houses or housing developments to have housing available for those new employees- which relates to the next challenge. The social make up of the community has changed from families living in owned houses to apartments or renting properties. housing affordability is not the only issue. finding available housing for young famiies and the aging populations is as well. New developments are few and far between and once built are priced high.
lastly, Aging infrastructure is a challenge. The Distrcit is an amalgamation of 2 villages and 1 town that already had aging infrastructure. Now the Town must oversee Public Works and Maintenance for all 3 areas with a limited budget. difficulties focusing on required services or prioritizing what should be focused on. issues with communication as the public has concerns such as pot holes and beautification. In reality the list of responsibilties range from water and sewer system upkeep and maintence to roadwork to building maintenance to grounds keeping to recreation and more. limited funding and limited staffing only allows the town to focus on what they can when they can. lacking equipment and repalcement parts to fix issues in a timely manner. Equipment has to be rented or purchases and parts have to be found and purchased.
One solution that will contribute to the resolution of all challenges. Solution: community development initiative. Public-Private Partnerships for Mixed-use Developments, Data-Drivin Planning Strategy, and Community Engagement & Support.
Dal Open Learning class in Local Government. Final Assignment. a grade of 75 to
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