2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Creative Comic –  creatively construct 6-8 panels critically reflecting on notio

May 21, 2024

Creative Comic –  creatively construct 6-8 panels critically reflecting on notions of intergenerational trauma.  The 6-8 panels should be on 1-2 pages.  Different panel sizes, shading, gutters, and other comic architecture should be utilized to communicate your ideas clearly.  
Creative mini-panel projects can be hand drawn or produced through software such as Adobe Illustrator, Procreate, or other media. If hand drawn, the project must be neat, clear, and absent of drafting marks. 
Panel 1: Introduction to Trauma
Visual: A damaged family tree against the backdrop of war ruins.
Narrator: “Intergenerational trauma occurs when the effects of a traumatic event are passed down from one generation to the next.”
Narrator: “In Poland, the aftermath of World War II has left deep scars that continue to affect families to this day.”
Panel 2: Origin of Trauma
Visual: Scenes from World War II in Poland, including bombings, the Warsaw Uprising, and concentration camps.
Narrator: “During World War II, Poland endured immense suffering.”
Survivor: “We lost everything in the bombings. Our city, our home, our loved ones.”
Panel 3: Immediate Aftermath
Visual: A Polish family in the immediate post-war period, showing signs of grief and loss.
Father: “I can’t sleep. The memories of the camps haunt me every night.”
Mother: “We must be strong for the children, but how do we move on from such pain?”
Panel 4: Transmission to Next Generation
Visual: A child observing their parent experiencing nightmares or emotional outbursts.
Child: “Mom, why is Dad crying in his sleep again?”
Mother: “He’s remembering the war, dear. It’s something he’s never really escaped.”
Panel 5: Effects on the Next Generation
Visual: The second generation experiencing emotional difficulties such as anxiety or identity issues.
Son: “I always feel like something’s wrong, but I don’t know why.”
Daughter: “It’s like we inherited their pain. We’re carrying burdens we don’t fully understand.”
Panel 6: Recognition and Healing
Visual: A younger family member seeking therapy or joining a support group.
Therapist: “Understanding your family’s history is the first step toward healing.”
Grandchild: “I want to break this cycle. I don’t want my children to carry this pain.”
Panel 7: Breaking the Cycle
Visual: A family engaging in open conversations, attending therapy, and participating in cultural healing practices.
Mother: “Talking about our experiences helps us heal.”
Father: “Seeking help doesn’t mean we’re weak. It means we’re strong enough to face our past.”
Panel 8: Future Generations
Visual: A vibrant, healthy family tree with children playing, symbolizing hope and recovery.
Narrator: “With awareness and proactive steps, families can heal.”
Child: “Grandpa, tell me a story about your childhood, and how our family became strong again.”
Key Elements to Include in the Creative Mini-Comic Panel Assignments 
– Title should clearly describe the theme of the short story discussing intergenerational trauma. 
– Assignment should have a simple plot with beginning, middle, and end to move the story along. The story should address the topic of loss. 
– 1-2 appropriate icons should be effectively utilized to visually communicate the theme of the story.
– Assignment should have 6-8 panels.  The assignment should be 1-2 pages. The panels should be neat and clear.
Size of panels
– The size of the panels should have a logical structure.  Why are certain panels sized and shaped in particular ways? How does this add to the storyline?   
Panel Tran
– Four out of the six types of panel transitions (moment to moment; action to action; subject to subject; aspect to aspect; scene to scene; non-sequitar) should be included. 
– Assignment incorporates effective use of shading or color or both.    
– Includes the exploration of at least two sensory features (vision, audition, olfaction, gustation, tactition) 
– Assignment incorporates effective use of gutter spaces. How do the gutter spaces function in the story?     
– Please include a 450-550 word paragraph explaining the reasons behind your artistic choices for use of icons, panel sizing, shading/color, synesthetic features, gutter spaces and panel transitions.   All work must be free from grammatical errors.   

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