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Create a professional development PowerPoint presentation on how theories, princ

May 2, 2024

Create a professional development PowerPoint presentation on how theories, principles, and evidence-based best practices related to memory models and processes; knowledge representation, organization, and manipulation; and language acquisition and competency can be applied in the context of a professional specialization.
As a professional psychologist, you will need to review theory and research and use it as the basis to develop best practices. For this assessment, you will focus on the following topics:
Memory models and processes.
Knowledge representation, organization, and manipulation.
Imagine you are now a professional psychologist working in the specialization that you aspire to. You are charged with creating professional development for an interdisciplinary team of professionals in your workplace on how theories, principles, and evidence-based best practices of cognitive and affective psychology can be used to help people in your work context.
The second assessment focuses on memory models and processes; knowledge representation, organization, and manipulation; and language acquisition and competency. For context on these topics, read the following:
Introduction to Memory Models and Processes [PDF].
Introduction to Knowledge Representation, Manipulation, and Organization [PDF].
Introduction to Language Acquisition and Competency [PDF].
As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment.
How did theories and models of memory, language, and knowledge evolve over time? Which ones seem most credible today?
What processes are involved in the acquisition and use of language? Are they more guided by inherited or environmental factors (nature or nurture)?
What are the relationships between memory, language, and knowledge?
What would it be like to live without memory? Without language?
What is declarative knowledge and how is its representation and organization explained by various theories?
What is procedural knowledge and how is it represented in the mind? How does it differ from declarative knowledge?
How do brain physiology and neuroscience help to explain normal and abnormal facilities with language, memory, and acquisition and retrieval of knowledge? Does science point toward interventions that could help persons with issues in these areas? Does it point toward ways to enhance capacities?
How might you help clients or students give up their intuitively held yet erroneous beliefs about the world?
Do culturally diverse populations experience memory, knowledge, and language differently?
How do emotions impact memory, knowledge, and language ability?
For this assessment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation focused on the following topics:
Memory models and processes.
Knowledge representation, organization, and manipulation.
Language acquisition and competency.
The following resource is required to complete the assessment.
Presentation Template [PPTX].
Note: Do not submit a paper for this assessment. Papers will not be graded.
You will complete this assessment by replacing all language that is enclosed within brackets [. . .] in the PowerPoint Presentation Template with your own words.
As in the previous assessment, you may see the Suggested Resources for guidance on basics of PowerPoint. The same design recommendations apply to this assessment as well.
Remember, your presentation is for an interdisciplinary team, so it will be important to communicate in a manner that can be understood by those not trained in psychology.
Contents of the Presentation
Title Slide
On the first slide of the PowerPoint, enter the following:
A descriptive title of approximately 5–15 words. It should stir interest while maintaining professional decorum.
Professional development for [enter the type of institutional context your presentation is designed for].
Your name.
Your specialization.
Course number and title.
Capella University.
Faculty name.
Note: If this presentation was made in an actual professional context, the entries under your name would be replaced by your job title, the name of your organization, and perhaps your contact information.
Topic Introduction Slides
Present each of the three topics in a separate section that begins with a slide naming the topic and concisely introducing it.
Theoretical Background Slides
Use one or more slides to briefly analyze the origins and evolution of each theory that you will reference in relation to each topic.
Application Slides
Use one or more slides to explain how theories, principles, and evidence-based best practices related to each topic can be used to explain behavior and help people. Remember, these factors should be relevant to the context your presentation is designed for. For each of these:
Analyze how and to what extent brain physiology and neuroscience can provide an explanation of relevant phenomena.
Analyze how affect may impact cognitive performance in these areas.
Explain one or more ethical issues that might arise in the application of theories and principles related to memory, language, or knowledge.
Cite the APA Code of Ethics or another code of ethics if it is more relevant to your area.
Explain how theories and principles related to at least one of the topics in your presentation apply to culturally diverse populations.
Conclusion Slide
Conclude your presentation with a succinct statement that sums up the utility of what you have presented.
References slide
Cite references using current APA style and formatting guidelines.

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