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create a PowerPoint slide show with notes pages discussing their PICOT question,

June 22, 2024

create a PowerPoint slide show with notes pages discussing their PICOT question, literature review, and recommendations for change. also provide speake note under each slide.
PICOT Question
= Population and Problem
population of interest comprises elderly surgical patients aged 65 and above
who undergo various surgical procedures. For example, orthopedic surgeries,
abdominal surgeries, cardiac operations. The matter is centered on the
difficulty of adequately managing pain after the operation in a population that
has a special physiological and pharmacological phenomenon. The presence of the
disease and the likelihood of adverse drug reactions.
I = Intervention
proposed intervention is a multimodal analgesia approach. It addresses the pain
management requirements of elderly surgical patients in terms of individual
patient needs. The approach is comprised of “the use of non-opioid analgesics
like acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.” Managing
postoperative pain in elderly patients is challenging due to their heightened
susceptibility to opioid side effects (Shafeeq et al., 2022). The regional
anesthesia techniques include epidural analgesia, peripheral nerve blocks and
adjunctive treatment therapies like gabapentinoids, and ketamine to control
C = Comparison
comparison will be made with traditional opioid-based analgesic types that are
widely employed for elderly surgical patients’ postoperative pain management.
On the analgesic front, it includes the use of morphine, hydromorphone, and
oxycodone opioid medications as the first-line agents.
O = Outcome
primary outcome indices are pain assessment using validated pain assessment
tools. For example, the Numerical Rating Scale and Visual Analog Scale during
particular time points post-surgery, 24 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hours. Each Secondary
goals consist of total opioid consumption in the postoperative period, the
incidence of opioid-related adverse effects. They “include respiratory
depression, nausea, constipation, hospital stay,” and patient satisfaction.
T = Time Frame
The EBP strategy will be started upon the
patient’s admission to the surgical ward and provided until the patient is
discharged. Time-defined data collection for outcomes evaluation is scheduled
at predefined points post-surgery, including after discharge.
Criteria for Content
Students will synthesize the information they have gathered during the course to formulate a presentation advocating for a practice change in relation to an area of interest to NP practice.
Creating a Professional PowerPoint PresentationLinks to an external site.Download Creating a Professional PowerPoint Presentation
In a PowerPoint Presentation, address the following.
Title Slide
Introduction (1 slide): Slide should identify concepts to be addressed and sections of the presentation. Include speaker’s notes that explain, in more detail, what will be covered.
Practice Issue (1-3 slides): Describe the area of interest and practice issue/problem related to NP practice selected in week 2. Explain why the issue/concern is important to nurse practitioner practice and its impact on health outcomes. Provide speaker notes. Provide scholarly references to support your ideas.
PICOT Question (1 slide): Provide the PICOT question developed in week 2. Describe each element of your PICOT question in one or two sentences, being sure to address all the following:
P-Population and problem – What is the nursing practice concern or problem and whom does it affect?
I–Intervention – What evidence-based solution for the problem would you like to apply?
C–Comparison – What is another solution for the problem? Note that this is typically the current practice, no intervention at all, or alternative solutions.
O–Outcome – Very specifically, how will you know that the intervention worked? Think about how you will measure the outcome.
T–Time frame – What is the Timeframe involved for the EBP initiative or the target date of completion?
Literature review (2-4 slides):Summarize the literature review completed in week 5. Discuss themes and special concerns. Discuss any unique insight or perspective offered from the literature. Provide speaker notes. Speaker notes and/or slides include citations from scholarly nursing literature which support the assertions presented.
Recommendations (3 slides):
Slide 1: Identify the evidence-based recommendation for the identified practice change. Speaker’s notes should fully explain the recommended change and rationale for the change. Provide support from scholarly references to support the recommendation.
Slide 2: Identify the key stakeholders impacted by the recommended change. Speaker’s notes add detail.
Slide 3: Analyze the recommendation in terms of fit, feasibility, and appropriateness as discussed by Dang and Dearholt (2018), Ch. 8. Speaker’s notes add detail. *Note: information regarding stakeholders, fit, feasibility, and appropriateness may be based on personal experience or on information you found in your research. If the identified factors come from the literature, provide reference citations to support your ideas.
Conclusion: (1 slide)Slide provides summary points of presentation. Speaker’s notes provide final comments on the topic.
References: Reference elements provided in APA format, may use bullets. Hanging indents not required.

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