2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Create a flash card: should not be more than 1 page, follow the outline on the O

June 25, 2024

Create a flash card: should not be more than 1 page, follow the outline on the Opportunity Agenda (pg. 38-39; refer to pg. 21 for an example). The flashcard is on Student Loan Crisis in the United States. Utilize the attached sources for this response aswell. Make sure no information or cited works is repeated in the flashcard and Op-ed. Expand on these ideas; the flashcard is on the same topic of the op-ed; review OP-ED instructions. 
Value: Jeopardizes equality, and financial security for americans; two very important American values. 
Problem: financial strain, economic inequality, 
Action :
Type a 800-1150 word op-ed based on the guidelines from the opportunity agenda tooklit [attached,  refer to pg. 34 for instructions]. Follow guidelines based on New York Times Critera: https://help.nytimes.com/hc/en-us/articles/115014809107-New-York-Times-Opinion-Guest-Essays         It should have the following critera: please include subheadings for each section. Include 4 Values from the Opportunity Agenda Toolkit. Include relevant graphs described throught the description in the appendix . The Outline and Steps for the OP-ed Are described in the steps 1-9
1. Timely Intro 
2. Shared Values include at least 4 values from framing that align with this issue: mobility, equality, community and security
• Equality: as students from lower-income families often take on more debt and face greater financial hardships; This can exacerbate social and economic inequalities.
• Mobility: Student loans are intended to provide educational opportunities that can lead to upward social and economic mobility. However, the burden of debt can limit this mobility by constraining graduates’ financial choices and opportunities.
• Security: The financial insecurity caused by significant student loan debt can affect borrowers’ ability to save, invest, buy homes, and plan for retirement. This undermines their overall financial security.
• Community: The impact of student loans extends to communities, as indebted individuals may delay important life decisions such as starting families, buying homes, or investing in local economies, which can have broader social and economic consequences. 
3. Frame the problem as a threat to values:  for ex: the student loan crisis threatens opportunity, equality, and the American Dream all of which are core values in the United States. Education, meant to be a pathway to success, is now a barrier, accessible primarily to those who can afford long-term debt. This growing inequality undermines the principle of equal opportunity and makes economic background a determinant of future success.
4. A central thesis: The student loan debt crisis in America represents a profound threat to the nation’s core values of opportunity, equality, and economic vitality. To preserve the American Dream and ensure a prosperous future for all citizens, it is imperative to implement comprehensive reforms. By transforming our approach to higher education financing, reducing the burden of student debt, and promoting equitable access to education, American citizens can help boost the economy and [elaborate]. 
5. Supporting Evidence:
• https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertfarrington/2024/03/21/student-loan-crisis-grows-as-families-take-on-record-debt-in-2024/
• https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/us-student-loan-debt-trends-economic-impact  [utilize the graph titled racial disparities in student debt to create an analysis statement and back up the importance of how rising student loan debt disproportionately affects socioeconomic mobility for people of color. Discuss the 105% percent.
6. Acknowledging the opposition: utilize the attached article titled Is College Worth It? For this section as it discusses how research by the Pew center  Graph Name: [Young adults strongly believed that a degree was more important now than in years past] indicates how young adults ages 18-29 consider college to be more important today; type a well written paragraph analysis and relate this to the student loan crisis. 
7. Solution
• Discuss how the current Biden Administration has made attempts towards student loan forgiveness plans however, based on recent developments, there have been various hurdles to effectively implement universal loan forgiveness in America. I propose the following long-term solutions:
• Require organizations, corporations and non-profits with more than 150 employees to promote employer-sponsored repayment assistance programs as a benefit for employees with student loans.
• Lower interest rates on federal student loans from 5% to 1% to reduce the overall cost of borrowing.
• Offer interest rate reductions for borrowers who consistently make on-time payments within the first six months of payments. 
8. Closing 
Do NOT reiterate the introduction make sure its well written and closes the op-ed
9. References page 
DO NOT USE ANY ADDITIONAL SOURCES! Only the links an the attachment included on the prompt 

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