Cover page: Provide the information that is standard for a report cover page, using MLA guidelines.
On its own separate page, between the cover page and the start of subsection A, include:
Purpose of ILS430 as a course
Purpose of the FSSP and volunteering for a community organization
What drew you to select your specific community site
The kinds of work you will be engaged in while volunteers
What the reader(s) will learn from this document
Overview of community organization, including:
~Define what food insecurity is, using the notes from our
lecture PPTs
~Discuss the company’s vision, mission, values
~history: give details about how, how long and why they
serve those who are food insecure. How was the organization formed, and is its current form the same/different from its early years?
~population served
~demographics of area where organization located that might
suggest the organization’s importance
~funding (how are they financially
supported in their efforts?)
~Explain connections and relationships
that exist between agricultural systems,
technological innovations, environmental
hazards, and economic drivers of food
consumption and production.
~in the final paragraph explain to the reader(s) tell the reader what is coming next in the needs and assets subsection
Works Cited page: Include sources used for company info, demographics & interview
What to include in this submission:
Needs Assessment (SWOT analysis) of organization see class
lecture notes found in the PPT presentation and include the following in this subsection:
Explanation of what a SWOT analysis is, and why it’s important to perform one.
Include SWOT analysis diagram with list of bullet points in each of the 4 areas. Make note that strengths and weaknesses are internal to the organization, while opportunities and threats are external to the organization—things that impact the organization that it has little if any control over.
Following the SWOT diagram: one paragraph for each of the bullet points in order to provide additional details/explanation of the importance of that recommendation. Make connections back to information provided in your FSSP Part 1, subsection A submission.
The final paragraph should bring the SWOT analysis to a conclusion while also introducing the reader to what’s coming in the next subsection, the behavioral theory analysis.
Works cited page: provide the citation information for:
Where you got the SWOT diagram template from
Any quotes you may used in this subsection.
What to include in this submission:
Behavioral theory that explains the site and its work in food security
See information provided in Ulearn/week 7 folders that fully describes what the behavioral theories are, why we apply them, and the benefits of doing so.
PPT presentation
3 documents that fully explain each behavioral theory
Utilize the Ulearn/week 7 document, “Tips to writing the behavioral theory section” to organize your writing of this section. As indicated in this document, your writing should relate back to/reinforce information provided in FSSP Part 1, subsections A & B
● Conclude part one:
On a separate page, summarize what you’ve explained about your site in part one, including the major details that were provided in all 3 subsections submitted weeks 5-7.
The final part of the conclusion should involve a sentence or two that introduces your reader(s) to what will come next in the project: part 2. What is the problem at the organization that you and your
site supervisor have discussed and that you will develop
for them?
Works cited page: provide the citation information for:
Your behavioral theory diagram
Any quotes you may have used in this subsection.
Remember, your goal in part 2 is to find a problem or issue for which the organization needs to create a solution (but the supervisor may not have time to do so). Some supervisors will already have some issues in mind, perhaps introduced during the SWOT analysis discussed for part 1, while others may ask you for your insights based on what you’ve witnessed so far. Based on the SWOT analysis you might propose a couple of different ways to address the problem/weakness. Realize that this supervisor is a leader and if s/he doesn’t like your idea, ask what they would propose.
Does your action plan require recipes or diagrams? A curriculum to teach nutrition? If so, these should be developed in this portion of project)
~Explain how your action plan for Part 2 applies to the behavioral theory analyzed in FSSP part 1.
Cover page: Provide the information that is standard for a report cover page, u
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