Budget and Finance
Stock Market Project Final
Goal: Analyze the volatility of the stock market and how it affects investments.
Fill in the chart below to show the prices you have collected. There must be five business days between the first prices you collected in the Stock Market Project Step 1 and this Final Project.
Initial Date Recorded
Initial Price Recorded
Current Date
Current Price
Number of Stocks Bought
Original Total Cost of Stocks
Current Total Cost of Stocks
Current Gain/Loss if All Sold Today
Write a six-paragraph essay analyzing the choices you made in this project. Your essay will be pasted below the rubric at the bottom of the document.
Paragraph 1 – Explanation of choices
Explain why you chose these two companies and the number of stocks that you picked for each one. Defend your choice. Why did it make sense at the time? (Use the information you researched.)
Paragraph 2 – Company #1 analysis
You are ‘selling’ these stocks today at the current price. Did you make money or lose money? What impacted the prices during this project? You must refer to the specifics of your research (including parenthetical citations) to help your reader understand why your stocks performed the way they did. You must reference at least two news articles.
Paragraph 3 – Company #2 analysis
Same as Paragraph 2, but for company #2
Paragraph 4 – Decision
Review the trend in the stock price for each company since you initially ‘bought’ them. Based on this trend and the current news you found, decide whether it would be most profitable to sell the stocks now, or if you think the earnings/losses will improve over the next week or more. Explain your reasoning in 4-5 sentences.
Paragraph 5 – What you learned
Discuss at least two things that this project has taught you about investing in the stock market. Explain yourself thoroughly.
Paragraph 6 – Biblical understanding of money
Consider what the Bible has to say about how we use our money, investing, risk, and worrying about money. How might this perspective inform how someone invests in the Stock Market? Be sure to refer to at least one specific passage.
Your sources must be cited in MLA format both on a works cited page and with parenthetical citations.
Wikipedia is not an acceptable source for any Academy project and may not be used. is a good resource for help with MLA formatting.
You are responsible for meeting all the requirements listed in the instructions above and rubric below. Your teacher will complete the rubric for you to review after grading. Use this information to improve your writing in the future.
Project Rubric
Content Area
1. Relevant, quality details go beyond the obvious.
2. Writing from knowledge or experience; ideas are fresh and original.
3. Reader’s questions are anticipated and answered.
1. Support with details is attempted.
2. Writer has difficulty going from general observations about the topic to specifics.
3. The reader is left with questions.
1. There is little to no supporting detail.
2. The writing may be dis- connected, repetitious, and include random thoughts.
3. The writer did not follow all the instructions for this project.
Student did not comply with teacher request for changes.
Organization & Communication:
1. Student fully addresses the requirements of the guiding questions.
2. Information is presented in a logical sequence, and ideas are clearly and fully developed.
3. Sentences are well-constructed, and the writer demonstrates a good grasp of spelling, punctuation, grammar usage, paragraphing, etc.
1. Missed requirements of the guiding questions.
2. Information is usually in a logical sequence, and ideas are understandable but not fully developed.
3. The writer shows reasonable control over spelling, punctuation, grammar usage, paragraphing, etc.
1. The writing lacks a clear sense of direction. Missed most or all of the requirements of the guiding questions.
2. The ideas are undeveloped.
3. Errors in grammar, paragraphing, etc distract the reader and make the text difficult to read.
Student did not comply with teacher request for changes.
Thinking & Research:
1. Student shows exceptional
skill in analyzing and
interpreting historical evidence in order to effectively and persuasively defend their selection.
2. Research is consistently accurate, relevant, and supports the learning objective with concrete and factual information.
1. The analysis and use of historical evidence is
satisfactory. Some conclusions may not be valid, and/or the student’s selection is not well supported.
2. Research is more general than specific.
1. Multiple misinterpretations of historical evidence. The arguments in defense of the student’s selection are weak or not present.
2. Research does not produce relevant evidence. Research may be missing altogether.
Student did not comply with teacher request for changes
Stock Prices Table:
1. The table is filled out fully and accurately.
1. Most of the table is filled out fully and accurately.
1. The table is missing or incomplete.
Student did not comply with teacher request for changes.
Presentation and MLA Formatting:
1. The project heading is in proper MLA format.
2. Directions and rubric precede project.
3. Spacing is uniform and font is Times New Roman or Arial 12 point.
4. Correctly formatted Works Cited page and in-text citations.
1. The project heading is mostly correct.
2. Directions and rubric do not precede project.
3. Spacing and font is mostly correct.
4. Works Cited page and in-text citations are mostly correct.
1. Project directions are missing or incomplete. The project is not in MLA format, including heading.
2. Spacing or font is not standard.
3. Works cited page and in-text citations are missing or incorrect.
Student did not comply with teacher request for changes.
Paste the project you created below.
(MLA Heading)
Course: Economics Unit: Budget and Finance Assignment: Stock Market Project Fina
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