2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Course Reflection: This will be your final discussion assignment. Reflect on the

June 25, 2024

Course Reflection:
This will be your final discussion assignment. Reflect on the objectives above. Using the following template:
1. Describe how you feel you improved your knowledge, skills, abilities, and yourself in this class.
2. Evaluate the work you did during this class and explain ways you could have performed better.
3. Assess the course objectives you still do not understand and suggest how to improve the course to meet those objectives.
4. List ways you might measure the future effects of what you have learned in this course or your future progress/improvement.
lily fields
Greetings class and professor,
This class has been challenging, allowed me to really focus on my studies without feeling too overwhelmed, but while also learning a lot in a short amount of time. My research skills with each weeks required reading really helped understand the discussions each week as well.
One thing I could have definitely done better with this class is read more articles that had to do with the topic. One thing I tend to do with online school is become lazy with some reading and just focus on 1-2 articles. I really would like to start helping myself to understand better with my own research and I do feel like this class has been one of the better classes with helping me with it!
The one discussion I had trouble with was week 4, developing supplier performance. The only reason I struggle with that is that the reading provided did not match other sources from outside with research, but that could just be a personal struggle I had and no one else could’ve felt that way! 
Some take aways from this course that I can apply would be to always be transparent, realistic and trust worthy with not only myself but to those I will work with in the future. I’ve noticed that in a lot of the readings or discussions those are some important traits to carry towards relationships in this field. Regardless, those are very important traits to have as a person! 
Thank you for all the discussions and interactions during this course. Good luck to everyone and their future endeavors!
Jamian Ross
The most important economic principle I learned from this course is the concept of supply and demand. Supply and demand dynamics are crucial in macroeconomics as they form the basis for analysing how markets function and how changes in various factors affect the economy as a whole. Supply and demand represent the relationship between the quantity of a good or service that producers are willing to supply and the quantity that consumers are willing to buy at different prices; they are key as they explain how prices are determined in a market economy. Understanding supply and demand enables economists analyse various macroeconomic phenomena such as unemployment, inflation, and economic growth. For instance, when there is an increase in aggregate demand relative to aggregate supply, it can lead to demand-pull inflation as prices rise due to excess demand. Conversely, if aggregate demand falls short of aggregate supply, it can result in deflationary pressures and unemployment as businesses reduce production and lay off workers.
Moreover, supply and demand analysis is critical for policymakers in formulating appropriate economic policies. For instance, during periods of recession, policymakers may use expansionary monetary and fiscal policies to stimulate aggregate demand and boost economic activity. Conversely, during periods of high inflation, contractionary policies may be employed to reduce demand and stabilize prices.
In essence, the principle of supply and demand is key to understanding macroeconomics as it provides insights into how markets work, how prices are determined, and how changes in various factors affect the overall economy. By mastering supply and demand analysis, policymakers can make more informed decisions to promote economic growth and stability.

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