2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Course learning outcomes connected to this student deliverable include: Describe

June 23, 2024

Course learning outcomes connected to this student deliverable include:
Describe the use and function of management information systems (MIS) in global business today.
Identify the major components of a computer-based information system, including hardware, software, operating systems, and operating environments.
Distinguish the components of wired and wireless telecommunications networks that support Internet, Intranet and Extranet systems which are integral to the successful operations of the modern firm.
Compare, evaluate, and select the most efficient and effective computer-based information systems from a management perspective.
Explain the interdependence and functionality of the hardware and software components of information systems and apply this knowledge to be able to advise and assist MIS staff about technical decisions.
Analyze how information technology can be used to synthesize complex data to enhance sound business decisions.
Examine the ethical and social issues associated with information systems confronting today’s technology managers and the organizations for which they work.
Formulate processes and systems, in conjunction with technology personnel, to best leverage MIS for competitive advantage, including knowledge management, business intelligence, and customer intimacy.
Apply the knowledge obtained in this course in order to evaluate and mitigate security threats to the hardware and software systems of an organization. 
Review the CASE STUDY Is the Equifax Hack the Worst Ever—and Why? on pages 331-333 of your text.
Respond to the four Case Study questions on page 333: 8-13, 8-14, 8-15 and 8-16.
You may wish to enhance your submission by comparing and analyzing the similarities and differences to other data breach episodes not discussed specifically in the Case Study. For example, Chief Security Officer (CSO) Magazine Online Editor Dan Swinhoe ranked the Equifax hack as only #6, as of January 2021 (Students may wish to research and locate an updated list for comparison):
Biggest Data Breaches
Adult Friend Finder
Heartland Payment Systems 
Marriott International
My Fitness Pal
Sina Weibo
Of course it does matter how the rankings were determined:
“CSO compiled this list of the biggest 21st Century breaches using simple criteria: The number of people whose data was compromised. We also made a distinction between incidents where data was stolen for malicious intent and those where an organization inadvertently left data unprotected and exposed. Twitter, for example, left the passwords of its 330 million users unmasked in a log, but there was no evidence of any misuse. So, Twitter did not make this list” (Swinhoe, 2021, ¶2).
Source: Swinhoe, D. (2021). The 15 biggest data breaches of the 21st centuryLinks to an external site.. CSO Magazine Online. January 8, 2021.
7-1 What are the principal components of telecommunications networks and key networking technologies?
7-2 What are the different types of networks?
7-3 How do the Internet and Internet technology work, and how do they support communication and e-business?
7-4 What are the principal technologies and standards for wireless networking, communication, and Internet access?
8-1 Why are information systems vulnerable to destruction, error, and abuse?
8-2 What is the business value of security and control?
8-3 What are the components of an organizational framework for security and control?
8-4 What are the most important tools and technologies for safeguarding information resources?
Links to an external site.Your total submission should be approximately 5 pages, including the cover page and references, or about 3 pages of double-spaced text. Be sure to follow the APA template provided for formatting, plus a sample student paper, and of course, spell and grammar check. An annotated sample paper is also provided for more detailed formatting help. Complete information can be found on the APA Style websiteLinks to an external site..
Post as a Microsoft Word attachment to the Canvas drop box prior to 11:59 PM on the Sunday due date. This assignment drop box stays open for students to post this week from Monday at 12:01 AM until the following Wednesday at 11:59 PM, 3 days after the due date. Late point deductions will be made for each day subsequent to the Sunday due date. No further extensions beyond 3 days late are available. I can not accept any emailed submissions as they do not process via Turnitin and do not archive in the LMS system. 

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