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Course Competencies Analyze the components of political action in nursing. Expla

June 14, 2024

Course Competencies
Analyze the components of political action in nursing.
Explain the process of policy-making in healthcare delivery.
Apply the principles of economics as they relate to nursing and healthcare.
Appraise economical aspects that influence healthcare delivery systems.
Analyze legal components related to nursing practice.
Determine strategies that minimize legal risks in nursing practice related to negligence and malpractice.
Transferable Skill
Communication – Displaying capability in writing, reading, and oral communication; understanding of non‐verbal language.
In your initial post,
Describe how you achieved each course competency including at least one example of new knowledge gained related to that competency.
Describe how you achieved the transferable skill, Communication, including at least one example of new knowledge gained related to the transferable skill.
Describe how this new knowledge will impact your nursing practice.
In your response, post to at least two peers,
Review how your peers achieved each course competency.
Identify new knowledge others gained you had not considered.
Describe how this new knowledge identified by your peer could impact your nursing practice.
400 word main post 
100 word reply to each classmate and make it sound nice and not mean 
put each post on seprate docmuntes 
reply 100 words to classmate jose 
Analyze the components of political action in nursing.
-I achieved this course competency through reading the assigned chapters as well as completing the discussion post about political activity.
-I achieved the transferable skill of illustrating nursing involvement in politics by learning about the different political issues that are involved in nursing along with their importance.
-This will impact my nursing practice because politics in nursing will effect my career and all of the policies that are put into place, or not put into place, will have an effect on my role. I believe it is very important to be well versed in nursing politics because you really have an impact and a voice and should speak it on behalf of you and your patients (Salmond, & Echevarria 2017).
Explain the process of policy-making in healthcare delivery.
-I achieved this course competency through reading the assigned chapters and completing an assignment in which we were tasked to create a policy briefing document. This assignment really helped me to understand everything that goes into a policy brief and how long of a process it really is.
-I achieved the transferable skill of being able to read and understand the public documents regarding policies that are accepted or denied.
-This will impact my nursing practice because it is important to be able to read and understand the policy making cycle in order to who the policies are being reviewed and passed by.
Apply the principles of economics as they relate to nursing and healthcare.
-I achieved this course competency through attending the recorded lecture, reading the chapters, and completing the financial forecasting memo assignment. This assignment asked us to review a financial document and forecast the costs that may be involved.
-I achieved the transferable skill of understanding the financials that go into hospital and the many factors that are involved. This is something that nurses may not necessarily think about, but it really does impact them because a lot of cost cutting measures can involve different parts of the nursing process.
-This will impact my nursing practice because it is important to be versed on the financials, or at least the high-level financials, of the facility in which you work. This may not have a huge impact on your role directly right away but in the long run it can have impacts on pay, supplies that are used, and other day to day things.
Appraise economical aspects that influence healthcare delivery systems.
-I achieved this course competency through reading the assigned chapters, attending the live class and taking the quiz that was associated.
-I achieved the transferable skill of how to make processes in the hospital cost effective. There are many different measures that can be taken for cost efficiency included not wasting unnecessary supplies, 
Salmond, S. W., & Echevarria, M. (2017). Healthcare transformation and changing roles for nursing. Orthopedic nursing, 36(1), 12.
reply 100 words to classmate brooklyn
Analyze the components of political action in nursing:
I have learned about various ways in which nurses can engage in politics. These include joining organizations like the ANA and supporting them. I recently came across several effective ways nurses can engage in politics. One option is to join professional organizations such as the American Nurses Association (ANA), which provides a platform for nurses to voice their opinions and advocate for policies that benefit the nursing profession and healthcare. Another approach involves supporting political leaders who align with the values and priorities of the nursing community and actively participating in campaigns and initiatives that promote healthcare-related policies. Additionally, leveraging social media and online platforms can be a powerful tool to encourage fellow nurses to vote for specific leaders and rally support for important causes in nursing. By harnessing the collective voice of nurses, these actions can have a meaningful impact on healthcare policy and advocacy efforts by political leaders, as well as using online platforms to encourage other nurses to vote for specific leaders and support them.Explain the process of policy-making in healthcare delivery:
In module four, I studied California’s nurse-to-patient legislation and gained a deeper understanding of the complex policymaking process. I learned that advancing a bill involves various stakeholders, such as representatives and sponsors, working to navigate it through the legislative process. This knowledge will be valuable for my future advocacy for nursing-related political action.
Apply the principles of economics as they relate to nursing and healthcare:
Economic discussions rarely focus on nursing or healthcare disciplines. As a result of this course, I have gained a deeper understanding of how these professions affect the economy. Developing a financial plan and budget for a healthcare organization requires a solid understanding of these principles.
.Appraise economic aspects that influence healthcare delivery systems:
I successfully achieved this competency during modules 5 and 6. I gained new knowledge, particularly in understanding the concepts of supply and demand in healthcare services. Delving into how these economic principles influence resource allocation, pricing, and healthcare access provided valuable insights into nursing and healthcare delivery economics.
Analyze legal components related to nursing practice:
Studying organizational influence has significantly enhanced my comprehension of how systemic economic factors affect the provision of healthcare services. Exploring areas such as healthcare financing, cost intricacies, resource allocation, market dynamics, technological advancements, regulatory frameworks, economic influences, population health considerations, global health factors, and public health investments has provided me with a holistic understanding of the interconnected nature of these vital aspects in the healthcare sector. This knowledge has been invaluable in developing strategies to minimize.
legal risks in nursing practice related to negligence and malpractice:
During one of the last modules, I focused on strategies to minimize legal risks in nursing practice. One crucial point I learned was the significance of following protocols to prevent malpractice allegations. Exploring best care practices underscored the importance of adhering to established procedures and guidelines to ensure patient safety and limit legal liability.
Transferrable Skill
I gained this competency by participating in assignments and discussions throughout this course. One crucial aspect I learned about is how effective communication is vital in minimizing legal risks in nursing. This understanding will shape my future nursing practice by enabling me to effectively communicate with colleagues, healthcare providers, patients, and their families.
New Knowledge
My last bachelor’s degree was in health information management, but it was nothing compared to this class. I felt as if we had dived so deep in such a short amount of time.

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