2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Copy and paste the letter you received in a document and write a response. Here

Copy and paste the letter you received in a document and write a response. Here are the things to include in your response letter.
Dear student 
I have been in the United States for six years. I had my husband, who was supporting me
financially, but I needed somebody with who I could talk. My niece-in-law and I were in a good
relationship until I noticed her lack of genuineness. During my first year in the United States,
she was the only one who said I could count on her if I needed anything. I asked her for places
to go shopping or how to do things I didn’t know before. Therefore, my niece-in-law became my
best friend. When we went shopping, I only bought things that I needed and were cheap
because I was not working, and my husband was the only one doing two jobs. I did so many
self-disclosures with her about my family, my education, and how I was living in Cote D’Ivoire.
Surprisingly, I could see how my husband’s family looked at me. There were non-verbal
actions with their eyes and behavior when we had family gatherings. I started feeling
uncomfortable attending family gatherings. I kept forcing myself to meet my husband’s family,
and I was still in a friendship with my niece-in-law until one day, my brother-in-law gave movie
tickets to his wife, my niece-in-law, and me. We chose a date together, and nobody wanted to
pick me up to go to the movie theater when the date came. My husband was at work, so I
drove to the movie theater alone at night. When I arrived, the two women scanned me with
their eyes up and down and shook their heads with nasty smiles. While waiting for the movie to
start, they began talking about their work, and I could not participate in the conversation. I was
quiet until we entered the movie room.
We ordered the food and drink, and my niece asked about the drink I wanted. I said
lemonade; she said I constantly drink lemonade juice and should try something else. I naively trusted her, and she ordered a cocktail with alcohol despite knowing I didn’t drink alcohol. When the food came, I noticed a smell of alcohol. I asked her, and she said it was not alcohol
but a fruit cocktail. I ate the burger and drank the cocktail. By the time the movie finished, I had
started feeling weird. After the movie, I called my husband, telling him I was sick. He asked me
what happened and what did I eat. I said burger and cocktail cosmopolitan. My husband said
there is alcohol in most of the cocktails. I couldn’t believe the person I trusted and called best
friend failed to be ethical with me. I managed to come home, and I slept.
The next day, my husband asked his niece, and she did not deny giving me alcohol,
knowing that I was a new driver and not drinking alcohol for religious purposes. Since that day, I
understood that my niece-in-law was not a good friend. Also, when her son came to my house
for summer vacation, he called my name and said, ” why my mom is telling my grandma that
you are a villager with no style?” This sentence cannot be irreversible and confirms all the non-
verbal attitudes I noticed previously. I was shocked and didn’t know what to say to the ten
years boy. I got mad, and I decided not to talk to my niece-in-law.
Student, can you help me fix this problem?
Sincerely, Shannon
In your introduction, list at least 5 points to be discussed in the response letter. (10 points)
Describe the interpersonal conflict in detail. (10 points)
Summarize the interpersonal conflict from that letter. 
Relate the interpersonal conflict to at least two of the interpersonal communication principles explored in Week 5-7 of the course content. (10 points)
Response letter should reflect an understanding of at least five interpersonal communication principles and concepts covered in the course content for Weeks 5-7. Remember to bold the concepts. (15 points)
Suggest five practical ways to deal with conflict and poor listening in interpersonal relationships. (15 points)
Use communication terminologies to convey ideas from Week 4-7 course content. 
The text should be 12-point Times Roman font and single-spaced, with all margins set at 1″. (5 points)
The letter should be between 2-3 pages long. (5 points)
Grammar, vocabulary, and mechanics should reflect the level of writing expected of a 100-level college student. (5 points)
Use the informal tone of a personal letter. (5 points)
Include fictitious name(s) in body and signature of the letter. (5 points)
Use APA-style in-text citations and end-of-text references for sourced material mentioned in body of pape

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