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consists of a series of five short essays on Grammar and/or Punctuation– you se

July 5, 2024

consists of a series of five short essays on Grammar and/or Punctuation– you select five out of ten]. Write them well and fully. This exam rewards effort. It’s in five parts and the material you need is in your Hacker text. The goal here is get you back into the text, to make it more and more familiar to you… You will choose ONLY FIVE [5] to write on out of the following ten [10]. They count for four [4] points each = 20—each answer is a short essay.
[1]: [Diana Hacker Text—from Chapter 46]: Write a one-page essay in which you explain the four conjunctions fully. Explain what makes them valuable. Be sure to give complete examples of each. What are they? What makes them so valuable? Example.
[2]: [Diana Hacker Text—Chapter 32]: There are seven [7] primary uses of the comma listed in your Diana Hacker text: [a] with a conjunction [b] as an introductory element [c] with items in a series [d] with adjectives in a series [e] with restrictive and non-restrictive elements [we called them essential or non-essential [f] with transitional expressions [we called them conjunctive adverbs and transitional phrases]– [g, h, i] “everyday material” [direct address, dates, places, etc.]. This is an easy essay if you have the book. If you do not, go to Google for the breakdown of the “uses of the comma.” When you go to Hacker you’ll see the details—many online sources explain also. Put these same details into your explanations. The more clear, the higher the score. Imagine that you’re teaching someone else. 1-2 pages [one short paragraph for each].
[3] [Diana Hacker Text—Chapter 34]: The Semi Colon:
Write a short essay in which you break the SEMI COLON down into three parts: [a] with two independent clauses [b] with two or more independent clauses joined by a conjunctive adverb or transitional phrase [c] between items in a series [with items within them already separated by commas]. Explain each well and give an example.
[4]: In a short essay, break down the eight [8] parts of speech from Diana Hacker, Chapter 46. You’ve already done “conjunctions,” so use that as part of the essay. Don’t spend much time on verbs or interjections. You might simply describe the verbs in relation to the three tenses [since we didn’t cover verbs]. Focus mainly on nouns [common, proper, abstract and concrete], adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, and conjunctions.
[5] There are three main sentence writing errors: Fragments, Comma Splices, and Run-ons [also known as the “fused” sentence]. Information for these is in Chapters 19 and 20 of Diana Hacker. Write a short essay in which you describe and explain each fully. How does each develop and how are they different?
[6] There are four sentence “types” and four sentence “purposes.” Write a short essay in which you break down each set of four. This will be one essay. Discuss first the four types and then the fur purposes.
[7] There are eight [8] pronoun types. Write a short essay in which you break these down for the reader.
[8] Discuss the difference between adjectives and adverbs. Write a short essay in which you discuss the two modifiers. Discuss how each works as a modifier and show examples of each.
[9] In a short essay explain the “parts” of the Academic Essay [Introduction, body, conclusion]. What makes an introduction work? What makes a good body paragraph? What makes a good conclusion? Each of these types of paragraphs has its own features [look it up]. Together, they make academic writing better. This is a short essay in how to write a good paper.
[10] Punctuate the following paragraph. I’ve removed periods, commas, semi colons, and question marks. Copy and paste it to your assignment or just submit it with this page.
Consider this you are a veteran case worker a social worker in fact and you’ve decided based on your experience that the quality and quantity of viewing hours directly affects how much a child is able to discern what is real from what is not real indeed a child’s understanding of the world in which he/she lives is directly proportional to the amount of television he/she watches and the consequences of the child’s misperception of reality are damaging therefore you must decide for the welfare of the child how “limited” a particular child’s viewing should be will the job be difficult how can you yourself discern how influential is television do you agree with Tom Hamill that there is a way to separate or monitor educational versus escapist viewing furthermore what is recreational television when does recreational viewing become escapist once you’ve established that the child is inclined to abuse television what exactly should you do being perhaps a parent or teacher yourself what alternatives are there based on Hamill’s analysis is there even such a way to delineate the issue indeed from your reading of Hamill alone would you be comfortable removing a television from a child’s home review Hamill’s essay locating his items of support and use them as a way to organize your own essay if you disagree with Hamill’s assessment use his claims as items of refutation cite sources according to MLA style drafts will be accepted you will not be penalized for poor grammar or punctuation however you must do the best that you can to punctuate properly because this is going to influence how people perceive you in the future it doesn’t matter where you’re working remember that there are only three things people care about style content and grammar. 

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