The start of almost any research project focuses on the conversation– the ideas and debates that have come before us, of which we are trying to join. For almost any topic you might choose, numerous other people have already thought about and discussed that topic. If we want to be able to join the conversation on that topic, and join it in an intelligent manner, we have to first listen and learn what others have said about our topic and, in turn, what new ideas we can offer. This is why spending significant amount of time READING & RESEARCHING (aka: “listening” ) is essential to writing an academic argument. Once you have thought and inquired about your topic extensively, you are ready to make an argument that brings your voice to the conversations surrounding the topic you’ve chosen and develops ideas that will push that conversation forward. In the Academic Argument Essay, you will be developing a clear argument about your issue with the intention to convince and persuade your reader. Imagine your reader as someone interested in your topic, knowledgeable in rhetoric and argumentation, yet ultimately skeptical of your position. Demonstrate your credibility by presenting a fair account of the issue, providing balanced context of the topic, and demonstrating your position as valid through reason. Consider to whom or to which organization or publication could you could send this argument to? A stronger definition of your reader may help you in your choices when trying to convince and persuade, though you will avoid directly addressing your reader, not using the second pronoun “you.”, To connect with your reader, you should consider the beliefs they may have, or how to address their skepticisms (when necessary), and how to develop a sense of exigency as you argue your position. IN THE ACADEMIC ARGUMENT: Make an argument intended to convince the reader of your main point. A clear, specific main claim (thesis statement) in the introduction paragraph helps the reader know the arguable point that will control the content and tone of the essay. Develop multiple body paragraphs that follow an organizational strategy. Each should focus on one specific subtopic (reason) related to the main claim. Think about how each paragraph allows the reader to understand your main claim better and moves the reader logically forward in your argument. Support for your argument is essential. It is important to consider what the reader needs to know and how to introduce research so that it flows. Careful to not just retell what happens in the sources. You should show analysis and a conversation with the sources. Help your reader understand how your sources and examples support your main or supporting points. Use credible and relevant sources to support your argument/reasons. You will need to use at minimum five (5) sources; this will include at least one (1) primary source, two (2) academic/scholarly sources, and (2) popular sources. Make sure to fully understand your sources. You do not want to misquote or misrepresent your sources because of misunderstanding. Address and rebut a counterargument (the most reasonable and strongest argument against your position) in a way that helps you develop a more sophisticated argument. This addresses the skeptical reader. Establish a strong sense of your audience & purpose. What do you seek to accomplish with your writing (purpose), and who do you anticipate will help you to achieve this goal? Consider to whom, or to which organization or publication you will send this argument, and what you wish them to DO as a result of reading your work. Apply a variety of rhetorical strategies to successfully persuade your reader. Keep your audience & purpose at the forefront of every “writerly choice” you make. Pay attention to details! A carefully proofread final draft that is generally free of distracting and confusing sentence-level errors and correctly cites the sources you used. adds to your credibility as a writer and critical thinker. Avoid use of the second-person pronoun “you”; additionally, the essay is not a narrative so be purposeful in your use of first person: I, me, we, our, us. Reach a minimum of five (5) full pages + References page Format paper in APA 7 style. Your essay should include: Title Page, Abstract, Main Body, and References. APA Style uses the headings system to separate and classify paper sections. Headings are used to help guide the reader through a document. —or—Format paper in MLA 8 style. Your essay should include: Proper heading, header, and Works Cited. If you select MLA you will still use the headings system to separate and classify paper sections. Headings are used to help guide the reader through a document. my topic is dog training abuse
Consider to whom or to which organization or publication could you could send this argument to?
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