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Consider the data collection methods presented in the Week 2 assignment and select one method for this assignment.

June 10, 2021
Christopher R. Teeple

Week 3 – Assignment: Evaluate Two Qualitative Data Analysis Methods
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1. Consider the data collection methods presented in the Week 2 assignment and select one method for this assignment.
2. After review of the Week 3 Resources, consider two potential data analysis methods to propose for your qualitative research design that aligns with the traditions of the particular approach you proposed in Week 1.
3. Discuss the advantages and potential challenges of the proposed method as well as how and why it aligns with your chosen qualitative research tradition.
Length: 4 paragraphs (3/4 – 1 page) and References page
References: Cite a minimum of 3 scholarly resources used to support your consideration and rationale for the two data analysis methods.
Your rationale should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
Data Analysis Methods in Qualitative Educational Research
While there are several methods commonly used across qualitative research traditions and various research designs for the collection of qualitative data, the chosen data analysis method typically aligns specifically with the research approach chosen to explore the educational problem of focus. Once you have determined the preferred data collection method, it is important to align a specific data analysis method that aligns with the specific research approach and its traditions utilized for the study design and to align it with the type of data to be gathered (Miles, Huberman, & Saldana, 2014). As some forms of data gathered involve human subjects with a local perspective on a specific phenomenon, quality fieldwork practices may be employed such as observational cues during interviews or field notes during observation (Miles et al., 2014).
The use of multiple data collection methods within a research setting can affect data management as a first step of the analysis, so proper planning and organization are essential once data collection is closed and data are prepared for analysis) (Miles et al., 2014. Once data are evaluated for trustworthiness and have been organized for analysis, it is essential to follow the data analysis protocol aligned with the qualitative research approach selected for the study. For example, data analyses for grounded theory would likely differ in procedure and protocol than data analyses typically used within interpretative phenomenology. Thus, the clarity and rationale for the choice of qualitative data analysis must be articulated within a research prospectus or proposal prior to data collection.
Be sure to review this week’s resources carefully. You are expected to apply the information from these resources when you prepare your assignments.
Miles, M. B., Huberman, A. M., & Saldana, J. (2014). Qualitative data analysis: A methods source book. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
• Bradley-Levine, J. (Academic). (2015). Qualitative data analysis in education [Video file]. SAGE Video.
In this video (6:17), the researcher discusses qualitative data analysis in the context of educational research and how analysis can inform the educational setting.
• Buckler, S. (Academic). (2015). Qualitative data analysis, part 1 [Video file]. SAGE Video.
In this video (9:18), the author discusses three aspects used for coding within many forms of qualitative data analysis.
• Byrne, D. (2017). Project planner: Data analysis and interpretation. SAGE Research Methods. doi:10.4135/9781526408570
The author provides considerations for the selection of a qualitative data analysis method and offers an introduction to common techniques for content and thematic analysis as well as specific techniques for narrative research, phenomenology, and grounded theory.
• Flick, U. (Ed.). (2014). Part IV: Types of data and their analysis. In The SAGE handbook of qualitative data analysis (pp. 295-296). London, UK: SAGE.
In this section introduction, the editor introduces the chapters that align data analysis methods with specific types of data collected. Click on the chapter that aligns with your preferred data collection method for further reading.
• Maxwell, J. (2018). Qualitative data analysis. In B. B. Frey (Ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation…
In this chapter, the author provides an overview of qualitative data analysis including the history and traditions of qualitative data analysis and summarizes contemporary approaches to qualitative data analysis.
Week 1 Information
Education Problem of Inquiry
The education inquiry is the impact of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) on student’s socioemotional outcomes. The main objective is to assess the effects of high-stakes testing introduced in the NCLB Act on the students’ socioemotional outcomes. Notably, grounded theory and case study design can be used to evaluate these socioeconomic outcomes.
Strengths and Challenges of the Proposed Research Designs
Grounded Theory
Ground theory utilizes a set of data to develop an approach. Therefore, the research process is practical and flexible to allow a researcher to understand an intricate social phenomenon. Besides, the grounded theory allows a systematic approach to data evaluation. This theory utilizes a systematic approach that allows easy application and interpretation of the study phenomenon. Further, this design allows accurate interpretation of subjective data and, consequently, easy generation of study concepts. It will enable the potential conceptualization of data, separating the significant from the insignificant (Laurie & Jensen, 2017).
However, despite the strengths mentioned above, grounded theory is an exhaustive process. The process of concept development is complex and can be challenging for novice researchers. It consumes time during open coding, and novice researchers might fail to understand themes and ideas that result from the data. Secondly, there is a high chance of methodological error when a researcher is using this research design. A new researcher might focus more on the participants’ lived experiences and neglect the social process if they use one source of data. Thirdly, limited generalizability is a major weakness in grounded theory. Even though it is easy to analyze and interpret data, generalization of these results remains a challenge, limiting the research being undertaken (Laurie & Jensen, 2017).
Case Study
A case study is an in-depth analysis of persons, groups, or events. Therefore, it provides an intensive exploration of a studied phenomenon. Additionally, this study is the best approach to initiate new research; valuable case study findings lead to further research in the study topic. Further, case studies can help a researcher understand intricate inter-relations in a studied phenomenon. Case studies involve strict research scope that enhances details and a deep understanding of the study topic (Northcentral University Library, 2018).
Too much data in this design complicates the analysis process. The researcher may be swamped in data interpretation as too much data may reveal other issues not included in the research problem. In addition, this method is expensive for large-scale research. Data collection and analysis are time-consuming. Therefore, multiple case studies are costly to conduct. Lastly, it is challenging to present the observed social and educational situations in writing. This situation makes it challenging to summarize study findings (Northcentral University Library, 2018).
A Summary of Research Designs Benefits
Both Designs address the “how” in this study topic. Therefore, a researcher will have a deeper understanding of the socioemotional factors associated with NCLB implementation. Interviews and observations in the case study and grounded theory developed in this research will allow the researcher to understand human experience. Besides, these designs provide richness and depth in data, enabling the researcher to construct a concrete analysis of the socioemotional impact of NCLB (Mill, 2014).
Relevance of the study designs to the Study Focus
The study’s focus is on human behavior; it analyzes the socioemotional outcomes of NCLB. Therefore, it is crucial to study students’ externalizing and internalizing behaviors and interest in specific subjects. Therefore, a case study approach is effective in capturing the participants’ feelings and observe their behavior. The researcher will use data collected in this case study to understand intricate inter-relations in students’ behavior and attitude towards NCLB. The researcher will also develop a deep understanding of the study topic through subjective observation of students during the research. Because of the data complexity, the researcher will also use grounded theory to interpret subjective data accurately (Laurie & Jensen, 2017).
Week 2 Information
Advantages of Survey Research Method
• Allows one to reach out to thousands of potential participants
• Survey is purposely directed to a given field or group of people.
• Sets a foundation for research project
• Allows anonymity (Hammarberg et al.,2016)
• A survey is exploratory, creating a better picture of what a subject entails

Disadvantages Of Survey Research Method
Disadvantages Of Survey Research Method
Researcher must guarantee that they have a representative sample
A survey is prone to errors
In low-income areas, technological may be challenging to use
The survey method does not give room for insights on the subject.
Interview Qualitative Research Method
An interview is a conversation
The interview method is a more practical approach for qualitative research.
Interviews can be carried out on a face-to-face basis or through virtual means, or over the telephone
There are two types of interviews; Semi-structured and structured interviews (Adhabi, & Anozie, 2017).
Advantages of Interview Qualitative Method
Create a better understanding of the subject studied
Creates room for in-depth information.
Interviews are appropriate for complex consideration and questioning
Interviews create a collection of more clarified details
Topic guides are used as checklists to ensure that all participants provide details on the same theme.
Disadvantages of Interview Qualitative Method
Interviews accommodate a small group of participants
Rely on the respondent’s response for accuracy
Intense as it is time-consuming
Interviews are expensive (Adhabi, & Anozie, 2017)
Interviews are emotionally strained
Interviews can lead to bias
Both interview and survey qualitative methods are interactive with the participants.
They are time consuming yet encompasses a smaller group of people.
The two methods form a base for in-depth data collection.
For better outcome, both methods require some structural form to fully exhaust the subject.
The two methods depend on the participants answers for accuracy.
Both can be bias as the participants may base their responses on their gender, class, race, or age.

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