2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Conduct a Read Aloud _ Video Presentation Using the video option of Canvas recor

May 11, 2024

Conduct a Read Aloud _ Video Presentation
Using the video option of Canvas record a video in which you conduct a Read Aloud in Class: The camera will be your class. 
For this Read-Aloud, you will do Read Aloud on a Book not used during this semester in any manner. However, you can you can use the one that that has been used in your final lesson plan.  It can be also be one of the books you wrote about in the Book Choice assignment. You make a decision yourself on the options: either the one used for the lesson plan or the one of the books in the Book choice assignment. 
Important: Please review the Rubric for this read aloud assignment below before doing your digital read aloud.
1) Important Guidelines for your Read aloud: 
-Do some test runs of the read aloud to see how you do. For some, this might be the first time you are doing something like this.
– It also might be a very good idea to do a loud reading with many of the things you will be doing in the digital Read Aloud to someone in your    family to get some practice, if possible. If not, then do one in front of a mirror with many of the things you will be doing.
-Please remember to put sticky notes in your book or elsewhere as prompts to help you during the reading.
Please remember that there are two options for you to select when it comes to the book for this Read Aloud Assignment:
–   This will be the same book that will be used for the final Lesson Plan.
–  Make certain that the book you choose is DAP for Pre-K.  If you are not sure ask before.
– You can use a book that you wrote about in – Book Choice Paper
– Your Level of questioning and think alouds needs to be DAP for Pre-K. If you are not sure ask before.
Important: Please review the Rubric for this read aloud assignment below 
Also do the following:
-Watch the two Sample videos in the Module to give you samples of what to do.  They are not perfect so learn and use your own style from what you learned in this course
-Do some test runs of the read aloud to see how you do . For some, this might be the first time you are doing something like this so practice.
– It also might be a very good idea to do a loud reading with many of the things you will be doing in the  Read Aloud to someone in your family to get some practice, if at all possible. If not then do one in front of a mirror with many of the things you will be doing in the Read Aloud.
Or you can do it in your own class as a practice BUT, you cannot use a book that you have already used in your classroom or similar.
-Please remember to put sticky notes in your book or elsewhere as prompts to help you during the reading.
It will be absolutely crucial for you to use an Anchor chart for your Read Aloud Presentation.  It will help you in so many ways ! Here are 2 links to show you about them:   
1)  Anchor Chart helpLinks to an external site.   2) Anchor Charts and informationLinks to an external site.
Your Read Aloud Presentation should follow the following format:
1) State the  2 Goals that would be used with this book: SWBAT- They must be goals related to book content and NOT things like “be able to make predictions”, “Make text to self connections”, etc.    For Example: 1) Students will be able to identify 4 different types of construction trucks. 2) Students will be able to describe 4 vocabulary words relating to the materials or tools used in construction.
2) Demonstrate  the Picture Walk of the book before the actual Reading. 
What that means is the following: important guidelines: 
a) In preparing children/the class 657 for a read-aloud session, you can stimulate their natural curiosity and pique their interest in a story by going through a “picture walk.” Before opening the book, show us the cover and read the title. Ask us what we think the story will be about, based only on what we see in  the pictures.  
b) Then slowly flip through the book, page by page, without reading a single word. Ask them questions about each picture they see, and try to get a responses that require them to make inferences based upon the images, and not the words, on each page.
For this assignment  just focus on the 4 most important pages of the book and the cover.
“What is going on here?” “what do you see ? Who is this?” “Where does the story take place ?  How is the character feeling? etc.
Here is a link to give a visual to what was stated above regarding read alouds: 
Link-exploring stories with childrenLinks to an external site.
After doing that you can say something like.  That was great….. Now we are going to read the story together
3) Do a Read aloud for your book ….. Focusing on Your 2 goals.
This Read Aloud needs to Incorporate the many things you learned on how to do an effective Read Aloud for Pre-K. 
4)   Do not forget to do:
a) Tracking with a  pointer
b) Read slowly and clearly, and smile often 
c) Give positive feedback to the students in various ways during the Reading and picture walk
d) Remember to focus on both your goals,
e) Ask open ended questions, and  utilize teacher think alouds that connect to your goals. 
Then say things Like “very good, well done, etc.
f) Change Character voices, be animated, and pause a number of times.
g) look at the “class”, away from the book, and engage in many ways, If you are using a hands on Book.
h) Do not forget to say “the End” and close it by saying something like.  That was our story called _______________ by _____________.
Important: Look at the Rubric to get an idea of the expectations for the Reading Aloud assignment.
**12-23-Read Aloud Rubric
**12-23-Read Aloud Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePicture Walk and stating Goals
25 pts
A slow walk and detailed description in the walk. Students were engaged and pre-diction and other questions were modeled during the Walk. Positive reinforcement was given in various ways to the students, at least 7 were noted. The Teacher also describes clearly what the goals for the Read aloud were.
20 pts
A good picture walk with descriptions. Questions were asked and the students were engaged yet more was needed in terms of questions and modeling. Positive reinforcement was given in various ways to the students, at least 5 were noted. The 2 goals for the read aloud were clearly detailed.
11 pts
The Picture walk was not comprehensive on many fronts. It was rushed and did not engage students enough. Not enough questions were asked or questions that tapped into the students prior knowledge. Not enough modeling was done in terms of think alouds and other read aloud methods. Positive reinforcement was done maybe in 1-2 places. The 2 goals for the read aloud were stated.
4 pts
The Picture walk was not comprehensive on many fronts. It was rushed and did not engage students enough. Not enough questions were asked or questions that tapped into the students prior knowledge. Not enough modeling was done in terms of think alouds and other read aloud methods. Positive reinforcement was done maybe in 1-2 places. The 2 goals for the read aloud were stated.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePrint Awareness Skills
10 pts
The Author, Illustrator was an area of focus during the Reading as well as time to delve into the Title/name of the book with some depth and detail. The end of the book was clearly and Dramatically stated. Tracking of the words throughout the reading was consistent and very clear to all the students.
7 pts
Author, Illustrator, were clearly mentioned in the reading. The name/title of the Book was mentioned as well . The end of the book was stated. Tracking of the words throughout the reading was consistently done throughout the reading.
4 pts
Author, Illustrator, were read briefly and focused on for a brief moment. The name/title of the Book was mentioned with little attention to it. The end of the book was not clearly stated. Tracking of the words throughout the reading was inconsistent and missing a number of times.
2 pts
Author, Illustrator, were not clearly focused in the reading. Or it was rushed through. The name/title of the Book was quickly mentioned with little attention to it. The end of the book was not clearly stated. Tracking of the words throughout the reading was inconsistent and missing many times.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDAP Book
8 pts
Book chosen was developmentally appropriate (DAP) for Pre-K children. It satisfied the majority of criterion from the Book choice checklist in the course Module.
5 pts
Book chosen was DAP for Pre-K children in certain respects yet some of the book content was not. It satisfied some of the criterion from the Book choice checklist in the course Module.
3 pts
The book chosen had many areas that were not DAP for Pre-K children. It failed to satisfy a number of the criterion from the Book choice checklist in the course Module.
0 pts
The book chosen was mostly not DAP for Pre-K children.
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVoice
10 pts
10 points All words are clearly spoken and easily understood. Character voices, if used, are applied consistently throughout the story. Animated in voice and face, throughout the story with changes in pitch and volume. The Reader also changes voices for the different characters.
7 pts
Nearly all the words are spoken clearly. Character voices, if used, are applied inconsistently. Pitch volume, and tone were changed some of the time yet in places there were no changes.
4 pts
A number of words are spoken unclearly, and characters tend to be using the same voice for the most part. Pitch volume, and tone were not changed often enough to reflect the story line.
1 pts
Many words are spoken unclearly and there was little to no change in character voices throughout the story Pitch volume, and tone were unchanged for most of the story
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePace & eye contact
10 pts
The pace is consistently slow, and many pauses were used to ask questions and engage the student. The Reader looked up from the book at regular intervals and makes regular eye contact.
7 pts
The pace is slow in several places and some pauses were used to ask questions and engage the students The Reader looked up from the book at regular intervals and makes regular eye contact.
4 pts
The pace is accelerated in a number of places and little time was given to ask questions with pauses in the read-ing. The Reader looked up from the book inconsistently to make eye contact.
0 pts
The pace is accelerated for most of the reading. Little to no time was given to pause after questions were asked. Eye contact was frequently ignored during the majority of the read aloud.
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGoal Focus
15 pts
There was a consistent and Clear focus on the two goals for the majority of the Read Aloud.
11 pts
There was some consistent and Clear focus on the two goals for the Read Aloud. Yet one of the goals had more focus than the other.
6 pts
Goal focus was not clear in many places during the read-ing.
2 pts
Goals were not a clear focus during the reading. Questions were asked yet they were not strongly tied to the goals.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThink alouds, questions, and Modeling
15 pts
Think aloud strategies and modeling were used many times during the read-ing. The questions asked were consistently Developmentally Appropriate for Pre-K in terms of quantity and complexity.
11 pts
Think aloud and modeling were done several times. A few questions used were not Developmentally Appropriate for Pre-K in terms of quantity and complexity and/OR there was a need for a few more questions.
6 pts
Think aloud and modeling were done some of the time yet many more were needed and/or several questions used were not Developmentally Appropriate for Pre-K in terms of quantity and complexity.
2 pts
Think aloud, modeling, and questions were rare. AND/OR Many questions used were not Developmentally Appropriate for Pre-K in terms of quantity and complexity.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePositive reinforcement during the Reading
7 pts
10 or more were observed
5 pts
7 were observed
3 pts
4 were observed
1 pts
2 were observed
7 pts
Total Points: 100

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