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Complete your 15-25 page final capstone project plan AND a 5-10 slide PowerPoint

Complete your 15-25 page final capstone project plan AND a 5-10 slide PowerPoint presentation synthesizing your research and summarizing your plan for improving effectiveness.
The field of HRM has experienced many opportunities and challenges in recent years. HRM has moved from being an administrative function to being a role that demands a number of new and challenging competencies. The HRM literature suggests that the profession faces a critical time. With more organizations downsizing, outsourcing, or eliminating their HRM functions, clearly HRM professionals must seize the opportunity to solidify with other senior management their role as strategic partners.
Review your own experiences with HRM. There are many important HR functions and programs to assess. The most important question may be whether HRM in your organization, or based on your reading, has become this strategic partner within an organization. More important, does HR leadership exhibit the competencies necessary to lead an organization through a period of more uncertainty and change?
As you complete your course project, imagine yourself as an HRM leader who must lead and enhance the role of HRM in your organization. Think about what employees and senior managers need to know about a strategic HRM function.
Complete your capstone project plan and PowerPoint presentation. This work synthesizes your research in the field of HRM and summarizes your effectiveness improvement plan as it relates to your topic (Employee Retention), organization (Amazon Warehouse), and problem or opportunity (High Turnover Rates).
Complete the following:
Finalize your plan, adding all the components you have completed and integrate them with an introduction and a conclusion. Note that your final plan should not simply merge the previous project components into a single document. Rather, it should be a thoughtful, fully integrated plan that demonstrates your achievement of the HRM program outcomes. Use headings and subheadings to organize and structure your plan.
Develop a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes, that showcases your effectiveness improvement plan by providing a summary of your capstone project. The presentation should synthesize all of your research, highlight key findings, and summarize your final plan for improving effectiveness.
Additional ​Requirements
The deliverables for this assessment apply professional skills in HRM to workplace situations that you will likely encounter in your day-to-day work in human resources. As part of your learning, focus on the development of effective professional communication skills for the workplace. Your assessment should meet the following additional requirements:
Length: Your plan should be 15–25 typed, double-spaced pages, plus the cover and resources pages.
The first page should be a cover sheet with your name, the course number, assessment title, and date. No other information is required on this page.
The last page should be the reference list.
Length: Your PowerPoint presentation should include 5–10 slides.
Select a professional slide background.
Use slide headings and concise, bulleted text.
Use the notes section of PowerPoint to outline supporting research and to cite references.
Organization: Make sure that your assessment writing is well organized, using headings and subheadings to organize content for the reader.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Resources: Use a total of at least 10 references and include both trade publications and peer-reviewed articles.
Evidence: Support your assertions with data and/or in-text citations.
APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
Written communication:
Articulate meaning relevant to the topic, scope, and purpose of the plan.
Address the appropriate audience, using familiar, discipline-specific language and terminology.
Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions.
Use spell-check and other tools to ensure correct spelling and grammar.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies:
Competency 1: Apply a strategic perspective to Human Resource Management that guides and influences organizational effectiveness.
Apply foundational disciplines of HRM to be an effective HR practitioner.
Employ strategic thinking and business acumen to be an effective strategic partner.
Competency 2: Develop skills to lead, build relationships, partner, influence others, and navigate the organization.
Utilize leadership, change management, and consultation in the roles of an HR practitioner.
Competency 3: Apply and interpret the law and the legal responsibilities of a human resource professional.
Apply and interpret the law and the legal responsibilities of an HR manager.
Competency 4: Use evidence-based decision making to inform and support Human Resource Management practices.
Analyze data and metrics to support and evaluate HR programs.
Competency 5: Apply the SHRM code of ethics to decision making and practice.
Apply the SHRM code of ethics to decision making and practice.
Competency 6: Communicate clearly, accurately, and professionally for the HR field.
Articulate meaning relevant to the topic, scope, and purpose of the plan.
Address the appropriate audience, using familiar, discipline-specific language and terminology.
Organize content so ideas flow logically with smooth transitions.
Instructions from Previous Assessments
Assessment 1
Prepare a 3–4 page literature review, including the following:
Analyze current HRM models of service, process, and systems enhancements as they relate to your topic and problem or opportunity.
Determine the applicability of existing HRM models to your project.
Analyze the factors that are necessary to develop and implement improvements in your chosen organization. In other words, think about how the problem could be solved or how to capitalize on the opportunity selected.
Analyze leadership, change management, and consultation in the roles of an HR practitioner, as they relate to your chosen topic.
Apply foundational disciplines of HRM to be an effective HR practitioner within the organization selected. This can be done by analyzing specific theories, markets, and reporting practices in HRM that relate to your topic and identified problem or opportunity.
Assessment 2
Write 3-5 pages on the use of technology, including metrics, analytics, and other measurements, as related to your topic of research, organization, and problem or opportunity in your capstone project, an effectiveness improvement plan. Include the following in your plan:
Develop a strategy to measure the success of the effectiveness improvement plan.
Include a consideration of various measurements such as an HR scorecard, benchmarking, dashboard, and ROI computations.
Describe the use of technology within your plan.
Assess the risks and benefits of a technology systems improvement.
Include the strategic considerations and alignment with the organizational mission.
Analyze both the ethical and the legal responsibilities that relate to the organization and in society as a whole.
Assessment 3
Write 3-5 pages on talent and workforce management as it relates to your topic of research, organization, and problem or opportunity in your capstone project, an effectiveness improvement plan. For this assessment, complete the following:
Research and analyze current articles that do the following:
Link HRM practices to talent and workforce management strategies.
Consider HRM’s role in thinking critically about solutions in the context of strategic management.
Evaluate your chosen organization’s strategic management capabilities in order to develop a strategy to improve talent and workforce management.
Analyze approaches to total rewards that may affect performance.
Analyze both the ethical and the legal responsibilities that relate to talent and workforce management, both in the organization and in society as a whole.
Assessment 4
Write 3-5 pages on strategy and culture as it relates to your topic of research, organization, and problem or opportunity in your capstone project, an effectiveness improvement plan. Research current articles that explore strategy and culture to complete the following:
Analyze HRM’s role in building organizational culture.
Develop a strategy for working within the organizational culture, as you develop leadership and consultation approaches for implementing your plan to improve organizational effectiveness.
Assess the cultural factors that will likely affect the development and implementation of your plan.
Consider the employee life cycle and employee experience within your selected organization.
Analyze both the ethical and the legal responsibilities related to culture, both in the organization and in society as a whole.

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