2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following c

June 17, 2024

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:
Analyze the criminalization of technology
Someone has come into your station to file a police report. This person has been the victim of email bank fraud. An example of the type of email the victim received can be seen below. The victim provided bank information and, as a result, his savings account has been drained. He is actively working with his bank to have the funds returned. Your agency has seen a rise in crimes of this nature. You are planning to present at a Victim Offender Impact Panel to educate your community about cybercrimes. These Victim Offender Impact Panels are community-based meetings where victims can share their experiences and criminal justice professionals can educate and empower their community.
Nice to Know You
Dear Beloved Friend,
I know this message will come to you as surprised but permit me of my desire to go into business relationship with you.
I am Miss a daughter to late At-badari of Libya whom was murdered during the recent civil war in Libya in March 2011, before his death my late father was a strong supporter and a member of late Moammar Gadhafi Government in Tripoli. Meanwhile before the incident, my late Father came to Cotonou Benin republic with the sum of USD 4,200,000.00 (US$4.2M) which he deposited in a Bank here in Cotonou Benin Republic West Africa for safe keeping.
I am here seeking for an avenue to transfer the fund to you in only you’re reliable and trustworthy person to investment the fund. I am here in Benin Republic because of the death of my parent’s and I want you to help me transfer the fund into your bank account for investment purpose.
Please I will offer you 20% of the total sum of USD4.2M for your assistance. Please I wish to transfer the fund urgently without delay into your account and also wish to relocate to your country due to poor condition in Benin, as to enable me continue my education as I was a medical student before the sudden death of my parent’s/ Reply to my alternative email:miss @hotmail.com, Your immediate response would be appreciated.
Remain blessed,
In this assignment, you are preparing for an impact panel on cybercrime for your community. Create a presentation with speaker notes that addresses the following required elements. Your presentation should be at least six slides in length, not including introduction and reference slides.
Describe what happened in the bank fraud scenario above.
What happened to the victim?
Can you recognize this as attempted fraud? If so, how?
Explain other common types of cybercrimes to the audience.
Provide examples of common cybercrimes.
How do cybercriminals appeal to their potential victims?
Explain the challenges of pursuing cybercrimes.
Describe the jurisdictional issues surrounding the investigation of these crimes.
How do local, state, and federal agencies work together to conduct investigations?
Describe the negative impact cybercrimes have on the community.
How does the anonymity of the offenders affect the victim?
How are businesses impacted by these crimes?
Suggest strategies individuals should use to protect themselves from cybercrime.
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Prep Work: Impact Panel on Cybercrime
Your presentation should be at least six slides in length, not including introduction and reference slides. It should also contain speaker notes. Any sources should be cited according to APA style.

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