2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Competencies In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following

June 30, 2024

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:
Describe the factors that influence one’s perception of social justice
Examine the impact of intercultural competence on collaboration and communication
Utilize interpersonal communication strategies to navigate conflict
In this course, you have explored your identity and how it pertains to justice, fairness, and equality in the classroom, the community, and your personal and professional lives. For this project, you will create a guidebook that will include aspects of social justice, intercultural competence in collaboration and communication, and how you use those interpersonal communication strategies to navigate conflict in your personal and professional lives. A guidebook has multiple benefits; in this case, it will become a resource of tools and tips, which you can continue to add to over time, that explains how you interact, build community, and collaborate with others from intercultural perspectives.
Choose one of the following scenarios to focus on for your project. The scenarios and some related conflicts to resolve are detailed in the Scenario Profiles document, linked in the Supporting Materials section. For the scenario you choose, you will choose one of the provided conflicts to address in your template responses.
Scenario 1: School
You are interacting with a very diverse group of peers this term who have different races and ethnicities, socioeconomic statuses, ability levels, learning styles, career goals, and more.
Conflict #1 – Disagreement over feedback or grade from your instructor
Conflict #2 – Feeling excluded from a group
Conflict #3 – Determining priorities
Scenario 2: Personal
It’s the time of year when you gather with friends and family. Recent events in the news have caused differences of opinion and communication related to issues of justice and fairness, creating conflict with those you care about. You are hosting the next holiday celebration with your family members and friends with diverse thoughts and opinions.
Conflict #1 – Disagreement with a family member or friend about a political issue
Conflict #2 – Feeling excluded from your friends
Conflict #3 – Deciding what holidays to celebrate
Scenario 3: Workplace
The organization you work for is expanding and acquiring an international business, increasing the total employee population from 500 to 10,000. Employees are located in multiple states and countries across the world.
Conflict #1 – Disagreement with a colleague over work styles
Conflict #2 – Poor communication that resulted in a mistake
Conflict #3 – Working with a colleague who is in a different time zone
Based on your chosen scenario, respond to each part of the project, listed below, using the Project Template, which is linked in the What to Submit section. Each scenario will require you to demonstrate your understanding of social justice, the benefits of intercultural collaboration and communication, and interpersonal communication strategies to navigate conflict. You will use the Scenario Profiles, linked in the Supporting Materials section, to support your work on the project. The Scenario Profiles document contains descriptions of the potential conflicts for each scenario.
Specifically, you must address the following:
Part One: Social Justice
In this section, you will provide a general introduction related to social justice to your guidebook. Address the following criteria in Part One.
Explain the difference between justice, fairness, and equality in the scenario.
Describe how bias can influence your perception of social justice in the scenario.
Describe how different narratives in society can impact your perception of social justice.
Describe the core principles of social justice in the scenario.
Part Two: Intercultural Communication and Collaboration
In this section, you will describe the benefits of intercultural communication and collaboration in the scenario. Address the following criteria in Part Two.
Describe how you would demonstrate cultural fluency in the scenario.
Describe how cultural fluency benefits your self-awareness.
Describe how an awareness of other cultures can benefit interpersonal communication with people in the scenario. 
Describe how exposure to diverse backgrounds can positively influence communication in the scenario. 
Explain why an awareness of diversity is beneficial to collaboration in the scenario. 
Part Three: Communication Strategies to Navigate Conflict
In this section, you will apply the concepts you shared in Parts One and Two to describe strategies you will use to navigate the conflict represented in the scenario. Address the following criteria in Part Three.
Describe the components of the conflict represented in the scenario.
Describe different interpersonal communication strategies that can be used in conflict resolution.
Choose an appropriate communication strategy you would employ in the scenario and conflict. Include an explanation of why you chose that communication strategy.
Describe the potential challenges of communication in the scenario and conflict.
Describe the benefits and challenges of using restorative practices to navigate the conflict in the scenario.
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Submit the completed Project Template as a 3-to-5-page Microsoft Word document. No sources are required. Although Brightspace allows the addition of video notes in assignment submissions, you may not use the Video Note tool to complete this assignment.
Below are the files all the project template that I have filled in throughout the year. The only one I do not have filled in is module 4. The scenario I chose is This one: Conflict #2 – Feeling excluded from a group
You recently joined a new class and have been trying to make friends since you started. You joined a group of classmates who share your interests even though you all have different abilities and come from different cultural backgrounds. You recently experienced a life change that resulted in your being absent from school for two weeks. Since you have returned, you have been feeling increasingly excluded from the group. Whenever you try to participate in the conversation, the others either ignore you or change the topic. You have noticed that they often make plans together without including you, and you feel left out.

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