2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Compare how your company has done to the industry averages.

August 10, 2021
Christopher R. Teeple

last week this is the assignment question:
This week you begin work on a project that will be due week thirteen. Your task is to choose a publicly traded corporation for your project. By publicly traded it means that it must be listed on an exchange such as the New York Stock Exchange or NASDAQ. This is important because you will need the financial statements and notes for your company. This would be difficult to find for a private company which is not obligated to provide this information. If you are unsure if your company is publicly traded check on their website. In the “investor relations” section they will detail this information.
For your discussion board post please locate the latest annual report for a publicly traded corporation of your choice. Attach a link or copy of the annual report to your post. In your post describe what is found in an annual report. For example, what are the different sections that can be found in them from what you see? Lastly, be sure to locate the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. List in your post which pages you found these on.
For which i responded as below :
Walmart Corporation: 2019 Annual Report
Walmart’s latest annual report for the fiscal report ended January 31, 2019 is located at https://s2.q4cdn.com/056532643/files/doc_financials/2019/annual/Walmart-2019-AR-Final.pdf. It focuses on outlining the prospect of retail. The report delves into Walmart’s Form 10-K for the fiscal year that ended on January 31st, 2019 (“Walmart Investor Relations”, 2019). This information is divided into four different parts. According to the statement made by the CEO, the company learned the essence of effective leadership, risk-taking, time horizon, trust, and corporate associates in ensuring the success of business operations. Results Walmart’s performance confirms the progress it made in its most recent financial performance. The company increased its total revenues by 3% to reach $514.4 billion. Also, the company’s operating cash stream hit $ 27.3 billion. Breaking it down, comp sales of America’s Walmart grew by 3.6% except for fuel. Sales in e-commerce rose by 40%. Walmart underwent accelerated growth throughout the year 2018 in its outlets in India, China, Brazil, and even Japan.
The first section of Walmart’s 10-K report offers cautionary statements, risk factors, unresolved comments by staff, properties, the legal proceedings, and disclosures of mine safety (age 5 & 6). Part two has eight different items that discuss various aspects of financial conditions. The third section of the 10-K has five items that focus on some standards of practice at Walmart. Lastly, part four concludes the 10-K report with schedules of financial statements and a summary of the 10-K. Walmart’s consolidated financial statements are located in part two, item eight. The first financial statement focuses on income and is found on page 51 of the report. The second statement is the consolidated balance sheet that is on page 52 of the material. Lastly, the consolidated cash flow statements occupy page 54 of the report. The next subsequent pages discuss notes to the financial statements illustrated above. Walmart’s annual report shows that its progress is positive.
Walmart Investor Relations – Investors – Financial Information – Annual Reports & Proxies. (2019). Retrieved 22 January 2020, from https://s2.q4cdn.com/056532643/files/doc_financials/2019/annual/Walmart-2019-AR-Final.pdf
This Weeks Assignment question is as below :
In week twelve you selected a publicly traded company and found their annual report. Now that you have their financial information I would like you to perform a ratio analysis on the financial statements. Focus on the financial statement analysis chapter (PDF) you are reading this week. You will want to compute ratios for your company for the last two years. Do not compute each ratio you learned about for your company. There may be some that are not relevant. Rather focus on those eight ratios that you feel are the most important and relevant to analyze how your company is doing. Make sure to justify the ratios that you choose for your analysis. Compare how your company has done to the industry averages. Do you notice any trends that are positive or negative? Does anything look good or bad that is notable? Do you have any suggestions on things they could be doing to improve these ratios? Please analyze what you found for each of the eight ratios. Then organize your findings into a 15 minute presentation. Be sure to include some background on your company in your presentation.
Submission Details:
15 minute presentation
Please use PowerPoint for your presentation.

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