2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Community Staff Nurse Intervention Project Paper You will develop a proposed pub

July 8, 2024

Community Staff Nurse Intervention Project Paper
You will develop a proposed public health nursing intervention to meet an identified need and/ or gap based on the list below and using data found for your individual community (Lee county). You will frame the paper within the elements of the nursing process (Assess/ Identify/ Plan/ Implement / Evaluate). You can’t build a new facility or clinic or program.
You will be assigned one of the Health Issues for your Population Intervention Paper: Promotion of gun safety in the home
You will record your topic in Logs #1, #2 & #3. (Log is attached to the instructions)
The intervention must be focused on the community/ population (not individual patient/family) within your own community (community used for the Windshield Survey paper). (Attached to the instructions)
This must be within the scope of the Tier 1 staff level public health/ community health nurse. (Note: you cannot propose building facilities, developing a large program, expanding mental health care, or purchasing a mobile health van). Please refer to the QUAD COUNCIL Competencies for Community/ Public Health Nurses. https://www.cphno.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/QCC-C-PHN-COMPETENCIES-Approved_2018.05.04_Final-002.pdfLinks to an external site.. (Link also found in Course Resources in Modules).

The baccalaureate degree in nursing (BSN) is the educational preparation for entry level C/PHN practice. The varied courses in a BSN Program provides the grounding in order to understand how personal, social, policy, economic, work, and environmental determinants affect health status of individuals, communities, and populations. BSN education prepares PHNs both didactically and clinically. The paper should be 6-8 pages excluding title page and references.

The following topics must be covered in the paper. You are a CHN/PHN in a local health department (your community from Windshield Survey).
The intervention is a one-time four (4) hour event held at a location (grocery/drug store, park or appropriate to the topic) and is not repeated. YOU DO NOT ACTUALLY DO THE EVENT- you are not covered by FSW insurance. This is a proposal.
1. Community Data – the identified need and a summary of relevant data that supports the need, and its relevance to public health nursing practice as summarized from your data collected.
2. Specific Evaluation method(s) to assess the effectiveness of the intervention.
o This should be a SMART goal with a specific goal and how to evaluate the goal.
o The evaluation method must be a specific measurable criterion, reflecting the objective of your event.
3. Proposed Intervention – descriiption of intervention
o Evidence/ research/ literature to support and at what level(s) of prevention is the intervention.
o This must be at the Tier 1 Community/ Public Health Nurse competencies.
o You need a specific objective for the event that will be reflected in your measurable SMART goal.
o Develop the initiative as a one-day health event in a local grocery/ drug store area – what level of prevention.
4. Resources required – The $500 funding is being provided by your agency and can’t exceed that amount.
o Who are the Stakeholders and how will they be involve.
o Financial costs estimated not to exceed $500 and how you will obtain other requirements like facilities, locations, persons, and equipment(s).
o Describe how you would utilize the $500 budgeted.
5. Implementation plan
o Include a timeline- specifically the steps in the actual implementation.
o Include the specific interventions/actions in the event timeline for the proposed project from start through evaluation.
6. Reflection on your individual learning from the completion of the project.
o Include how this has or will impact your professional practice at this point in your career or in the future.
Develop a 6–8-pages paper excluding title page and references including a handout advertising the event and services provided.

APA format is required – see grade rubric for reference type and number (Student paper format title page 61 in APA manual). Use level 1 headings for paper.

Demonstrates clear understanding of the topic. Relates readings to research and summarizes information gained and how applies to professional nursing practice.
Presented data to support need for intervention in local area, Lee County.
Measurable goal developed which includes degree of improvement and time frame for evaluation measurement.
Includes at least 5 references from current peer reviewed nursing journals and /or textbook or reliable education, government, or organizational website.
Reflection includes both impact on current professional practice as a registered nurse and how will influence future professional practice as a registered nurse.
Brochure/ handout describes event including potential date/ time, location, services provided, and cost.

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