2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Collaboration cafe original assignment: Collaboration Café During your practicum

May 16, 2024

Collaboration cafe original assignment:
Collaboration Café
During your practicum this week, what did you learn about your facilities handoff and medication reconciliation process and the role of the Clinical Nurse Leader in that process?
What can you share with the class in regards to these important Clinical Nurse Leader competencies and how you plan to apply the principles learned to your future practice as a Clinical Nurse Leader.
Take some time to also share with the class how your MSN project is going and any success or challenges experienced during your practicum.
A substantive post will include the following.
Responds to classmates with an extended description instead of merely agreeing
·       Includes substantive content that addresses peer’s thoughts. 
·       Discusses new ideas or asks a question that prompts additional dialogue
·       Adds to the discussion topic in a meaningful and constructive manner
Peer response to
Collaboration Café:
During your practicum this week, what did you learn about your facilities handoff and medication reconciliation process and the role of the Clinical Nurse Leader in that process?
In the emergency department, there are two main instants that medication reconciliation is address during the patients encounter. First time it is addressed in during the triage process, the triage nurse or primary nurse has the responsibility to access and review with the patient what medications they are taking at home and compare it to what is in the facilities medical record. The nurse has the ability to add or delete medications in the system and essentially update the patients’ medical record. Another opportunity to review the medication list with the patient is during their discharge teaching. When they receive their discharge paperwork, a list of their current and past medications is provided for them and any changes that has been made as in whether to continue or stop certain medications is address with the patient. during our hand off report that is if the patient is getting admitted, we only go over the medication they received during their encounter in the emergency department and the admission nurse will then complete their medication reconciliation if needed. However, per our policy it is the medical providers responsibility to ensure patients medication reconciliation is completed during their visits.
What can you share with the class in regard to these important Clinical Nurse Leader competencies and how you plan to apply the principles learned to your future practice as a Clinical Nurse Leader.
As a Clinical Nurse Leader it is essential that you educate your staff, the patients and their families about the importance of medication reconciliation, because of the safety risk associated with it. Our patients and their families most of the time do not have a medical background and it is essential that they understand why they have been prescribed certain medications, being able to identify the side effects and adverse effects of medications prescribed to them, and how to make sure they do not take certain medications in conjunction with one another. When there is a change in their medication regiment, we need to make sure they understand what that change is and how it will affect other medications that they are already taking. We can accomplish this by ensuring medication reconciliation is completed during their discharge teaching. Having acquired this knowledge, I will ensure this skill is utilized in my daily practice as a nurse and nurse leader and will continue to be an advocate for its use to ensure safe and quality care is being practiced in my department.
Take some time to also share with the class how your MSN project is going and any success or challenges experienced during your practicum.
I have had to adjust my implementation time from 6 weeks to 3 weeks due to lack of time available, because I am still working on approval documents for my facility. I have secured a place in our department skills fair coming up in June to conduct an in-service with the staff and start my initial assessments for my project. I have tested my mobile application that would be used for my project and secured a Mindfulness based certified instructor for my in-service in June. I hope to gain my approval for this project by the end of this month and I am working with my preceptor to ensure I can meet my deadlines.

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Our support team will assign your paper to a team of 2 writers with a background in your degree – For example, if you have a nursing paper we will select a team with a nursing background. The main writer will handle the research and writing part while the second writer will proof the paper for grammar, formatting & referencing mistakes if any.

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What do you need to get started on my paper?

* The full assignment instructions as they appear on your school account.

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* Any templates or additional files required to complete the assignment.

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