2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Collaboration cafe info only added for background information. Only respond to t

June 23, 2024

Collaboration cafe info only added for background information. Only respond to the Peer below. 
Collaboration Café
During your practicum this week you were asked to focus on the role of the Clinical Nurse Leader in shared leadership.
When discussing this role with your practicum mentor, share what you learned about this style of leadership. If you were able to participate in a meeting, did you see advantages to this type of leadership? If you were not able to participate in an actual meeting, can you see the value in using shared leadership in the organization?
Share what these advantages might be. Take some time to also share with the class how your MSN project is going and any success or challenges experienced during your practicum. Make sure to include an analysis of what went well this week, what do not go well, and any unexpected occurrences.
A substantive post will include the following.
Responds to classmates with an extended description instead of merely agreeing
·       Includes substantive content that addresses peer’s thoughts. 
·       Discusses new ideas or asks a question that prompts additional dialogue
·       Adds to the discussion topic in a meaningful and constructive manner
Peer response to
Collaboration Café:
I have been fortunate to experience how effective shared leadership can be and how empowering it can be for members of a team. My Clinical preceptor is a clinical nurse specialist assigned to the emergency department but is collaborating with other providers in different departments to work on some projects in the facility. I have gained a lot of experience in how to practice shared leadership in how she collaborates with other leaders; I have sat in on different types of meetings with deputies and unit managers where discussions and opinions were shared to make decisions.  There were other times when you could see leaders fighting for resources for their department, and due to constraints like budget, they had to compromise and collaborate with other departments for resources. I have attended morning rounds with my nurse manager, where I get to see how beds are allocated in the entire hospital, and everyone must brief the chief nursing officer, who then must brief the hospital commander on the status of our beds in the entire hospital. Each department must track the number of beds because it affects how patients move through the facility; for example, the surgery department cannot operate if there are no beds to put the surgical patients after their procedures.
As a nurse leader, it is essential to be able to participate in shared leadership because it can produce positive outcomes by encouraging a culture of inclusion and support by ensuring everyone’s voice is heard. It helps encourage members of the team to be more proactive, improves communication among the team, and makes the team more productive.
My MSN practicum project is moving along smoothly; so far, all the nursing staff in my department have taken the pre-assessment for my burnout intervention. They loved the 15-minute meditation class they received during the skills fair, and all of them downloaded the application to use during the week. I am collecting and calculating the data for the pre-assessments and look forward to obtaining the first group’s post-assessments next week.

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What kind of writer will work on my paper?

Our support team will assign your paper to a team of 2 writers with a background in your degree – For example, if you have a nursing paper we will select a team with a nursing background. The main writer will handle the research and writing part while the second writer will proof the paper for grammar, formatting & referencing mistakes if any.

Our team is comprised of native English speakers working exclusively from the United States. 

Will the paper be original?

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Will you deliver it on time?

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Can you get me a good grade? It’s my final project and I need a good grade.

Yes! We only pick projects where we are sure we’ll deliver good grades.

What do you need to get started on my paper?

* The full assignment instructions as they appear on your school account.

* If a Grading Rubric is present, make sure to attach it.

* Include any special announcements or emails you might have gotten from your Professor pertaining to this assignment.

* Any templates or additional files required to complete the assignment.

How do I place an order?

You can do so through our custom order page here or you can talk to our live chat team and they’ll guide you on how to do this.

How will I receive my paper?

We will send it to your email. Please make sure to provide us with your best email – we’ll be using this to communicate to you throughout the whole process.

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