2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Choose your language carefully; make each phrase count.

June 28, 2021
Christopher R. Teeple

ASCJ 200, Spring 2021 Take-Home Final Examination You have 24 hours to complete this exam, but it is recommended that you spend approximately 2 hours (or 20-30 minutes per media). Upload your completed exam to Blackboard by or before Thursday May 6, 4pm PST. Late exams will NOT be accepted, and a missing exam will result in failing the course. Throughout the semester, you were exposed to different ways of seeing, interpreting and understanding media and news. Below we have provided hyperlinks/screenshots of eight different examples of media/news from a variety of sources. ? From the options provided below, choose five pieces of media/news you would like to analyze and write about. ? Put the media in context (e.g. identify type of media [for example: advertisement, editorial, mashup], distribution, publisher, platform/exhibition, target audience, etc.). ? Referencing relevant course readings is a plus, but keep quotes brief (or simply paraphrase). We’re mostly looking for your analysis and reasoning. ? Choose two of the terms listed for each piece of media to incorporate into your analysis. ? In a mini, 250 word, essay, explain the connection between the media and the terms, specifically why you feel the terms and the concepts they address are relevant in evaluating the particular media text and its context. ? Your job is to demonstrate why the terms you’ve chosen are significant, and how they help us understand and decode the message of the media in its context. ? In your response make sure to underline the two required terms you selected upon first reference. ? Important: You can use additional terms but only underline the two terms you’ve selected from the options provided with that piece of media. Points will be deducted for underlining more than two terms. ? Both underlined terms in your response must be selected from one of the four terms provided for each piece of media. ? Include a word count for each response. ? Include hyperlink (or refer to screenshot) to selected media with each response. Your analysis for each piece of media can be no longer than 250 words. Points will be deducted for exceeding the word limit. Making these connections, illustrating their importance and relating it back to themes from class, all while adhering to the word count will be a challenge. Choose your language carefully; make each phrase count. There is no room for fluff. What we DON’T want: ? Do not provide a list of bullet points that make superficial connections. ? Do not write a set of disjointed thoughts that don’t connect into a coherent theme. ? Shoddy syntax, misspelled words, poorly constructed sentences will count against your exam score. ? Do not underline more than two terms in each response. Both underlined terms must be selected from options provided for each piece of media. ? Do not go over word count limit. This will negatively impact your exam score. ? Do not forget to write your name on the exam. Choose FIVE of the following: 1) Tweet (see screenshot below) Select two of the following terms to use in your analysis: fake news, information hygiene, press freedom/intellectual freedom, epistemology 2) New York Times Editors’ Note (see screenshot below) Select two of the following terms to use in your analysis: SMELL test, ethics, media scarcity, objectivity/fairness in coverage 3) Google (We are asking you to perform a Google search. That is the text you’re supposed to analyze.) Select two of the following terms to use in your analysis: information bubbles, monopoly power, disintermediation, surveillance capitalism, data mining 4) Instagram Select two of the following terms to use in your analysis: advocacy, hashtag activism, normalization, ideology, remix 5) New York Times video Select two of the following terms to use in your analysis: representation, The Other, bias, citizen journalism/professional journalism 6) The Mitchels vs. The Machines Select two of the following terms to use in your analysis: monetization, algorithm, media power, genre 7) The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon Select two of the following terms to use in your analysis: “cancel culture,” media frames, distribution, participatory culture/politics 8) Meme Select two of the following terms to use in your analysis: icon, satire/parody, appropriation, attention/attention economy (see below to use for answers) ——————————————–Write Exam Responses Below——————————— Upload completed document to Blackboard by or before 4pm on Thursday, May 6 Late exams will NOT be accepted, and a missing exam will result in failing the course. Student Name: 1. Hyperlink to FIRST Selected Piece of Media: Word count: Analysis below, Underline selected terms upon first reference: 2. Hyperlink to SECOND Selected Piece of Media: Word count: Analysis below, Underline selected terms upon first reference: 3. Hyperlink to THIRD Selected Piece of Media: Word count: Analysis below, Underline selected terms upon first reference: 4. Hyperlink to FOURTH Selected Piece of Media: Word count: Analysis below, Underline selected terms upon first reference: 5. Hyperlink to FIFTH Selected Piece of Media: Word count: Analysis below, Underline selected terms upon first reference:

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