2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Choose one of the 7 diets listed in chapter 15 and create a public awareness ad 

July 8, 2024

Choose one of the 7 diets listed in chapter 15 and create a public awareness ad  and brochure of information on this diet. Be sure to include background information, foods recommended by the diet, ways to follow the diet, how modifications can be made to work for individuals, etc. Basically, you are trying to convinve the public that THIS is the diet (eating plan) that they should follow for optimal health.
The Ad should be a mixture of images and a little text – basically a poster you are using to draw attention
The brochure should contain a mixture of images with a lot of text describing the diet, benefits, etc. This is where you will inform the public and give them as many details as you can to persuade them to switch to this type of eating style.
7 Diets- 
Recommended by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the American Heart Association, and many physicians
Helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol
Reduces risk of heart disease and stroke
Reduces risk of certain cancers
Reduces diabetes risk
There are very few negative factors associated with the DASH diet
Gluten-Free Diet
Reduces the symptoms of gluten intolerance, such as chronic diarrhea, cramping, constipation, and bloating
Promotes healing of the small intestines for people with celiac disease, preventing malnutrition
May support weight loss
May be beneficial for other autoimmune diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and multiple sclerosis
May be helpful for Types 1 and 2 diabetes and anemia
Risk of folate and iron deficiencies
Special gluten-free products can be hard to find and expensive
Requires constant vigilance and careful food label reading, since gluten is found in many products
Low-Carb Diet
Restricts refined carbohydrates, such as white flour and white sugar
May temporarily improve blood sugar or blood cholesterol levels
Not entirely evidence-based
Results in higher fat and protein consumption
Rapid weight gain often occurs after stopping this diet
Macrobiotic Diet
Low in saturated fats and high in fiber
Emphasizes whole foods and de-emphasizes processed foods
Rich in phytoestrogens, which may reduce the risk of estrogen-related cancers
Encourages sustainability
Not entirely evidence-based
Lacks certain vitamins and minerals; supplements are often required
Can result in a very low caloric intake
Lack of energy may result from inadequate protein
Mediterranean Diet
A reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality
A lower risk of cancer
De-emphasizes processed foods and emphasizes whole foods and healthy fats
Lower sodium intake, due to fewer processed foods
Emphasis on monosaturated fats leads to lower cholesterol
Highlighting fruits and vegetables raises consumption of antioxidants
Does not specify daily serving amounts
Potential for high fat and high calorie intake as nuts and oils are calorie-dense foods
Drinking one to two glasses of wine per day may not be healthy for those with certain conditions
Raw Food Diet
Emphasizes whole foods
Focuses on nutritionally-rich foods
High in fiber
Not entirely evidence-based
Very restrictive and limits protein and healthy fat intake
Could encourage the development of foodborne illness
Extremely difficult to follow
Can cause deficiencies in essential vitamins
Vegetarianism and Veganism
May reduce cancer risk
May reduce heart disease risk
May reduce obesity risk
May help prevent Type 2 diabetes
Helps with weight reduction and weight maintenance
Encourages sustainability
Guidelines regarding fat and nutrient consumption must be followed
Requires vigilance to watch out for hidden animal products
Requires negotiating meals and holidays with meat-eating friends and family

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