2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


 CHARACTER ANALYSIS/DSM Diagnosis You must choose a movie from the list at the


You must choose a movie from the list at the bottom of this page, the list was edited after I recorded the video so some movies are no longer on the list and others were added.

A lot of what we see portrayed in movies may not be based in reality, which can lead to confusion about psychological disorders. Select one of the following films and review the film as a Psychology student, not just a movie-watcher. ***Pay attention to the movie ratings and know that there is significant violence and difficult scenes/triggers in a number of the movies – choose wisely! If you want assistance choosing an appropriate movie, reach out to me!

This is a review based on psychological information provided in the textbook and/or lecture. This should be a concise 700-word assignment, this is not an overview of what you think about the movie in general. Word count should be at the end of your assignment. This assignment will not be accepted if it is in the form of a screen shot or jpeg file. Cite your sources! See the rubric below for grading criteria.

Include the following in your assignment:

Provide a brief summary (no more than a paragraph) of the selected movie, including the movie title, character chosen, setting, premis and primary diagnosis of your chosen character, then discuss it from a psychological viewpoint.

In no specific order, include the following:

  • In your discussion you should explain the diagnosis depicted in the film.
  • Based on your knowledge from class and your text, determine if the film accurately depicts the disorder identified or if it is flawed.
  • If the character is diagnosed in the film, is it even the right diagnosis? Support your answer. 
  • Explain, using examples from the movie, how the diagnosis is flawed and/or accurately represented (it can be both). 
  • Are there any ethics violations or ethical concerns you have about the treatment of your character by professionals (if there were any).
  • Be sure to discuss the observable behaviors that are consistent with the disorder.

Choose one movie only, preferably one you’ve never seen. Even if you have seen it, you’re watching it through a new lens now, so rewatch it. Then answer the questions that follow the list of titles.

  1. 12 Monkeys (1995 R; Science Fiction; Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt, Madelyn Stowe) 
  2. A Beautiful Mind (2001 PG-13; Drama/Mystery; Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly) 
  3. Antwone Fischer (2002 PG-13; Drama/Romance; Denzel Washington; Derek Luke)
  4. As Good as it Gets (1997 PG-13; Comedy/Drama/Romance; Jack Nicholson, Helen Hunt)
  5. The Aviator (2004 PG-13; Biography/Drama/History; Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Kate Beckinsale, John C. Reilly)
  6. Benny and Joon (1993 PG; Drama/Romance; Johnny Depp, Mary Stuart Masterson)
  7. Don Juan DeMarco (1994 PG-13; Drama/Romance; Marlon Brando; Johnny Depp)
  8. Fight Club (1999 R; Action/Drama; Brad Pitt, Edward Norton)
  9. The Fisher King (1991 R; Drama/Fantasy; Robin Williams, Jeff Bridges)
  10. Frankie and Alice (2010 R; Drama; Halle Berry, Chandra Wilson, Phylicia Rashad)
  11. Garden State (2004 R; Comedy/Drama/Romance; Zach Braff, Peter Sarsgaard, Natalie Portman 
  12. Girl Interrupted (1999 R; Drama; Angelina Jolie, Winona Ryder, Whoopi Goldberg)
  13. Home (2013 NR Gbenga Akinnagbe, Danny Hotch) – This is NOT animated, only on Amazon Prime
  14. Little Miss Sunshine (2006 R; Drama/Dark Comedy; Steve Carrell, ToniCollette, Abigail Breslin)
  15. Monster (2003 R; Biography/Crime/Drama; Charlize Theron, Christina Ricci)
  16. No Country for Old Men (2007 R; Crime/Drama/Thriller; Tommy Lee Jones, Javier Bardem, Josh Brolin)
  17. Precious (2009 R; Drama; Gabourey Sidibe, Mo’Nique, Paula Patton) 
  18. Rain Man (1988 R; Drama; Dustin Hoffman; Tom Cruise)
  19. Reign Over Me (2007 R; Drama; Adam Sandler; Don Cheadle)
  20. Room (2015 R; Drama/Thriller; Brie Larson, Jacob Tremblay)
  21. Silence of the Lambs (1991 R; Thriller/Horror; Anthony Hopkins; Jody Foster) 
  22. The Soloist (2009 PG-13; Biography/Drama/Music; Jamie Foxx, Robert Downey Jr.)
  23. What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (1993 PG-13 Drama; Johnny Depp, Juliette Lewis, Leonardo DiCaprio)
  24. What About Bob (1991 PG; Comedy Richard Dreyfuss; Bill Murray)
  25. White Oleander (2002 PG-13; Drama; Michelle Pfeiffer, Renée Zellweger, Robin Wright)

I attached my previous diagnosis below to give you an idea of my style of writing and how she kind of wants it but while also addressing/answering her bullet points. 

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