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Chapter 3 covers victims and victimization while Chapter 4 is a very important c

July 1, 2024

Chapter 3 covers victims and victimization while Chapter 4 is a very important chapter that discusses rational choice theory.
Your main post should be 250+ words.
Watch the documentary Deliver Us From Evil on GoogleVideo. I would suggest watching the trailer first so that you can decide if you can handle the material, it can be graphic. How can you apply the 3 components of routine activities theory to this film? How is the O’Grady rational when he commits the abuse? On page 94, the author discusses reducing crime through surveillance. Can this tactic be an effective way to control clergy abuse? With regard to specific deterrence, what would be a sanction so powerful that the US can impose of sexual offenders to reduce repeat offenses?
DEATH PENALTY  This chapter examines ways to keep offenders from reoffending while also sending a powerful message of deterrence to potential offenders. On page 98, answer the question that most people never think about – does the death penalty deter murder? Should capital punishment continue? Why or why not? Support your opinion with research/chapter material. 
Current Event: Research the controversial executions in Alabama which used nitrogen gas. Is it possible that this method of capital punishment that would actually deter people from committing murder? Would televising executions work? What might be some of the negative consequences of such a policy?
There are VERY fascinating punishments implemented all over the world.  Research caning in Singapore and the Michael Fay case. Watch the following YouTube clip titled, “Vandal Michael Fay Sentenced to Lashes by Cane in Singapore

[1994]”Find out about when they use this type of punishment, for what crimes, who is subject to caning, how it is done, and whether it is effective in their society. Give a detailed (in your own words) description of what caning is, what is used for, it’s effectiveness. How does rational choice theory apply to this form of deterrence? What 2 concepts from our chapter on rational choice theories can apply to caning in Singapore? Do you think caning would reduce crimes based on the cost-benefit analysis? How effective would caning be on reducing recidivism rates? Would you want to live in a society where crime rates were quite low because they were controlled by extremely harsh punishment, such as flogging for vandalism?
PHOTO CHALLENGE. If you DID NOT due this already, then you may select this option. Learn the 3 components of routine activities theory. With a camera that take a picture of a scene that has ALL three components of this theory. For example, at the mall you find a scenario where they’re are suitable targets (items to steal), no mall security (no cameras, busy employees), and motivated offenders (may teens walking around). There is an element of assumption here since we are finding the “most likely” offender. The point is train your analytical eyes to detect predatory behaviors. Upload your picture to the forum with an explanation of all three elements that are present in picture. State your reflection of the activity as well. You can find more detailed instructions on Assignment #1.
Watch the video “Chris Dorner: Ex-LA Cop Wanted in Killing Spree

An ABC News report about the search for Chris Dorner, who killed several individuals before dying in a fire in a remote cabin after police fired pyrotechnic tear gas canisters into it.
Discussion: How would rational choice theory explain Dorner’s behavior? Do you think that Dorner was rational when he committed his crimes?  Are criminals rational decision makers, or are most of them motivated by uncontrollable psychological and emotional drives or social forces such as poverty and despair?
SEX OFFENDER ISLAND  McNeil Island, located in Washington state’s Puget Sound, is historically known for being the site of McNeil Island Corrections Center, a former federal and state penitentiary. The island has gained the colloquial nickname “Sex Offender Island” due to its more recent use as a Special Commitment Center for sexually violent predators.
Do some research on the now closed McNeil Island. This island was used to house sexual offenders that were deemed as highly likely to reoffend. How does the concept of incapacitation apply? Do you think this is an effective way to control crime and punish offenders? 

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