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  Celia  Discussion Q#5: Epi Social Determinants of Health and their Influence

July 23, 2024



Discussion Q#5: Epi

Social Determinants of Health and their Influence on Obesity

Obesity is a chronic disease characterized by excessive fat deposits that adversely affect one’s health as they are a risk for cardiovascular diseases. Social determinants of health (SDOH) play a significant role in influencing the prevalence of obesity across populations. Understanding the influence of SDOH on obesity prevalence is crucial for developing effective health interventions (Randolph & Stephens, 2022). Different social determinants of health, such as education access and quality, economic stability, neighborhood and built environment, economic stability, social and community context, and healthcare system access and quality, influence obesity prevalence differently.

Economic stability, which refers to access to resources, affects a person’s ability to afford healthy food and other resources such as gym memberships, which are essential for maintaining a healthy weight. Notably, lower-income persons are likely to live in areas with limited access to affordable and nutritious food, and this results in reliance on cheaper, calorie-dense, and less nutritious options (Cleveland et al., 2023). Financial constraints lead to poor dietary habits, increasing the risk of obesity. Education access and quality, another SDOH, is another factor contributing to obesity prevalence. Education access affects people’s understanding of nutrition, exercise, and general health management. Higher education attainment is directly related to better health outcomes as educated people are likely to make better health choices. Lack of education and awareness of healthy living increases the risk of obesity (Cleveland et al., 2023). Also, access to quality food, another SDOH, affects the prevalence of obesity. Living in food deserts, which have limited food choices, forces people to rely on fast foods, convenience stores, as well as high-calorie and low-nutrient options, which increases the risk for obesity. Neighborhoods and built environments also have a role in obesity prevalence as they influence physical activity levels. For instance, neighborhoods with parks, walkable paths, and recreational facilities encourage physical activity, which reduces the risk of obesity. On the other hand, areas with high crime rates and poor infrastructure discourage people from walking and outdoor activities, contributing to sedentary lives and weight gain, a factor that promotes obesity.

Another SDOH, social and community context, influences health behaviors that can promote or prevent obesity (Randolph & Stephens, 2022). For instance, communities with efficient support systems may encourage people to participate in collective physical activities and knowledge sharing on healthy living. On the contrary, living in isolation in a community can discourage involvement in physical activities and this can increase the risk of obesity. Lastly, healthcare system access and quality facilitate early detection and management of obesity-related conditions, hence reducing their prevalence (Randolph & Stephens, 2022). For instance, regular check-ups and nutritional counseling help in fighting obesity. However, lack of access to these services increases the risk of obesity. Generally, SDOH are closely related to the prevalence of obesity and CVD.

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