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Case Study Review/Reaction Paper Assignment The Joint Commission New Requirement

July 3, 2024

Case Study Review/Reaction Paper Assignment
The Joint Commission New Requirements to Reduce Health Care Disparities
New Standard in the Leadership Chapter with Six (6) New Elements of Performance that address health care disparities as a Quality and Safety Priority.
You will have a four (4) page-short reaction paper to write and submit into Canvas by July 5. This paper will address how your hospital will meet the six (6) requirements for this standard.   Doing this assignment is to demonstrate what ideas you have to address disparities in the population you serve, the tools you will need to address this, and what are the issues and challenges.
The standard document is here at the bottom to download: Joint Commission R3 Report Issue 36Links to an external site.
And some resources from the Joint Commission for you to take a look at for each of the requirements (hint – take a look at the snapshots)  – Healthcare Equity Accreditation Resources CenterLinks to an external site.
Here is an overview of the requirement: Joint Commission Health Care Equity Requirements – Barrins & AssociatesLinks to an external site. and excellent resources, rationale, and next steps.  Really look at this document!
Guidelines to follow:
> You are the assistant to the CEO of a New Jersey Hospital of your choice.  The CEO has been notified by The Joint Commission and wants you to write a preliminary plan to present to the senior staff on what your hospital needs to do to begin to meet this standard so that it is ready for the next accreditation site visit.  The CEO knows you are a graduate of the Rutgers Health Administration program and that you understand population health.  So here is your time to apply all of what we learned in class this semester.
Begin your paper stating what hospital you are writing about, verifying that the hospital has been accredited by The Joint Commission, what is the status of their CHNA and CHIP, and an overview of the standard (remember who your audience is!)  Provide the evidence to support this.
> Next you will review each of the Elements of Performance and address how your hospital will meet them.
EP1 – Leader. Who would that be (follow the guidelines and rationale.)  Review your hospital’s table of organization and see who fits the best.
EP2 – Community Resources and Support Services. Choose one (1) of the five (5) examples listed in the rationale and identify the organization in the community your hospital will work with.
EP3 – Identifying Disparities in your Patient Population. Here you identify your target population – would you review all patients to identify disparities or would you concentrate on a “well-known area of persistent disparity.”  Use the CHNA and CHIP of your hospital and the other data sources we reviewed (County Health Rankings, Lown Institute Hospital Data, etc.  Be clear about why you chose the method you did (remember you are doing this for the CEO/C Suite!)
EP4 –Action Plan and EP5 – Devlops a written Action Plan (EP4) and Actions if Plan is Not Achieved (EP5) (these two (2) can be addressed together.) Based on what you have identified in EP2 and EP3, describe at a high-level an action plan and why.  You can look at one of the actions that are outlined in your CHNA and CHIP and/or actions other hospitals have taken to address the disparity you identified.  State the challenges that will need to be addressed and what to do to overcome them.
EP6 – Reporting to Key Stakeholders. Who needs to be informed of the progress in addressing disparities and how will that information be shared for accountability.
> Your papers should be four (4) PAGES in length, 1.5 spaced, font size 11 or 12; more than four (4) pages will have points taken off.  You are permitted additional pages for references (references count – you need at least three (3) external references that must be in APA format!)
> Papers must be submitted into the Assignment section on Canvas. Unexcused, late papers will not be accepted.
> This is important!  Papers must include specific examples to support your idea of what your hospital can do for that specific action and strategy. Do not simply summarize the action plan. Do not use general concepts, “This action plan was interesting, and we should do the suggested strategy” or “It states very clearly the issues we face at our hospital”.  I am looking for critical thinking and analysis in your reaction paper. Show me you really thought about the disparity, action plan and strategy you have chosen to write about.  This needs to be seen as a critical piece to how your hospital reacts to the Joint Commission requirement.  You reviewed the county health rankings among other rankings like the state health scorecard and Lown Institute Hospital Index.  What action can your hospital be involved with/take action on?  Be creative and critically think of new ways to try!  Have fun! 
There are no wrong answers; wrong is without evidence/references/backups!  Here are some questions you may want to ask yourself as you do this paper, a video, and some articles to view for guidance to get some ideas! 
3-steps-for-building-an-sdoh-business-case-playbook-final pdf.pdf
3 Steps for Building an SDOH Business CaseLinks to an external site. (website from where the above pdt comes from.)
How to Create Effective Strategies for Improving Community Health Outcomes Links to an external site.
Six Keys to Focusing on Social Determinants with the Biggest Economic ImpactLinks to an external site.
Community-Level Actions On The Social Determinants Of Health: A Typology For HospitalsLinks to an external site. NOTE:  This link is with the Rutgers Library so it will send you there and you need to log into the library!
> No “stream of consciousness writing”. Stay focused on your topic!  You need a beginning, middle, and end! Grammar and spelling count! Follow the rubric! Make sure you include a minimum of three (3) outside references/citations on a separate page (does not count in page count!)

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