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Case study  Identify and contact a Human Services agency to complete a case stud

May 12, 2024

Case study 
Identify and contact a Human Services agency to complete a case study.
Two employees must be interviewed from the chosen organization to obtain different perspectives (leader and supervisor). Questions should be used from the readings that will have relevance to both the organization and the employees being interviewed. For example the, leaders could be questioned about five major challenges they have encountered while leading an organization and how they addressed those concerns. Supervisors could be asked how they balance reporting to superiors while monitoring the activities of subordinates. Direct services workers could discuss the challenges they face while serving their populations. 
Structure –
Begin with an analysis of the organization. Include the type of organization, vision and mission statement, agency goals, population served, types of services provided, funding sources, organizational structure, and partnerships or collaborations. After analyzing the organization, provide information on the two employees being interviewed. A personal analysis of each employee should include each employee’s experience in human services agencies, level of education, and job description. After this process has been completed for each person being interviewed, conclude by relating the readings and personal experiences of the interviewee to contemporary issues being faced by human service agencies in general and methods and strategies that could be used to address the relevant issues. 
Paper format- 
Requires 8-12 pages. Do not include a table of contents. MS Word, APA 7th, in-text citations, indented paragraphs, 1-inch margins, 12-point font Times New Roman, and reference page.
Martin Pollak Project (Agency Name)
Independent living and foster care agency 
-I had the opportunity to interview Taavon James. I’ve attached his questions and answers as a word document. Below, you will find the agency’s background information. 
** I did not interview  Zachery Dingle, executive director, who has 30 years with the agency. (Please come up with something for him) 
Analysis of the organization
-Type of organization-
Mrs. Elizabeth Pollak of Annapolis founded the Martin Pollak Project, Inc. in 1980 as a non-profit organization to provide specialized care for difficult-to-place and emotionally disturbed kids. The Martin Pollak Project, Inc. is a child placement agency licensed by the Maryland Department of Human Resources and the Social Services Administration to care for minors.
-(FOSTER CARE) ​​Children and youth aged 0 to 18 in Maryland get services. Case managers and advocates work with a team of dedicated foster parents to satisfy children’s specific needs while simultaneously offering assistance to birth families.
(INDEPENDENT LIVING) The Independent Living/Youth Adult Initiative prepares youth aged 16 to 21 for independent living. The program offers young people a variety of housing options, wrap-around services, and educational and vocational opportunities.
Treatment Foster Care is a community-based organization that provides a nurturing home setting in which many children can reach their full potential.  These children enter foster care with serious emotional and/or developmental issues, as well as behaviors that necessitate specific and specialized planning and treatment.  The purpose of treatment foster care is to prepare these youngsters for society.  Foster parents receive training in a variety of areas and are supported by a team of specialists as they care for and treat these youngsters.
-mission statement-The Martin Pollak Project, Inc. is dedicated to enhancing the lives of families and children by building on their unique strengths and by developing community to help establish productive and fulfilling lives.
-agency goals
-population serviced
–types of services provided
-funding sources
-organizational structure
More questions to ask
Relate the readings and personal experiences of the interviews to contemporary issues being faced by human service agencies in general and methods and strategies that could be used to address the relevant issues

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