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Based on the article “The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking,” by Paul and Eld

May 9, 2024

Based on the article “The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking,” by Paul and Elder, Critical Thinking can be defined as the skill of strategically evaluating and interpreting thought with the intention of making it better by utilizing elements of thoughts.
Being a property accountant, I am faced with several challenges on a daily basis. A brief example of such is reconciling the bank statements of the several properties I’m responsible for and find discrepancies such as unfamiliar transactions. As an accountant, I have to thoroughly analyze the bank statement and raise questions such as did the client approve this expense? or Is there a receipt for this transaction. Next is to look for any internal communication that this expense and if not found, contact the client to gather information on the unfamiliar transaction. Based on the information gathered I am then able to determine if this transaction is legitimate and categorize it accordingly or flag this transaction a potential fraud which will be communicated to the client. In the above scenario, this highlights how important critical thinking is and it involves questioning, analyzing information and utilizing logic to solve problems.
In my quest to find job openings listed on ZipRecruiter, I found a position open at blueStone for a Business Analyst. This position requires analyzing and documenting the requirements using client templates, Validating the requirements through peer reviews and consistency checks and Leading the requirements management process for a project team. In Relation to BABOK Guide Knowledge Areas the following the skillset required by blueStone can be place in:
• Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring: Demonstrating service delivery excellence by creating     and maintaining high-quality deliverables for client
• Elicitation and Collaboration: Eliciting business, user and system requirements using techniques such as facilitated workshops, user task analysis and focus groups
• Requirements Life Cycle Management: Maintaining existing and creating new relationships at the client site
• Strategy Analysis: Working with business users to help identify and document features and product requirements
• Requirements Analysis and Design Definition: Working in RUP and/or Agile Software Development Life-Cycle processes
The two-peer reviewed definitions of critical thinking is as follows:
According to Paul and Elder (2006) Critical thinking is the art of analyzing and evaluating thinking with a view to improving it.
Critical thinking is the ability to effectively analyze information and form a judgment. Ryan (2022)
Paul and Elder (2006) focus on the process of critical thinking, describing it as the “art of analyzing and evaluating thinking.” Ryan (2022) focuses on the outcome of critical thinking, highlighting the ability to “form a judgment.” Paul and Elder’s definition suggests a more sophisticated approach, implying analysis with the intention of improvement. Ryan’s definition is more concise, emphasizing the basic ability to analyze and judge. I find value in both definitions as Paul and Elder (2006) definition captures the ongoing nature of critical thinking and Ryan (2022) highlights the core skill of critical thinking – making informed judgments based on analysis.
Both definitions emphasize the importance of analyzing information in critical thinking, though they use slightly different wording. Paul and Elder (2006) focus on the process of critical thinking, describing it as the “art of analyzing and evaluating thinking.” Ryan (2022) focuses on the outcome of critical thinking, highlighting the ability to “form a judgment.” Paul and Elder’s definition suggests a more sophisticated approach, implying analysis with the intention of improvement. Ryan’s definition is more concise, emphasizing the basic ability to analyze and judge.
International Institute of Business Analysis. (2015). A GUIDE TO THE BUSINESS ANALYSIS BODY OF KNOWLEDGE® V3. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. https://bpmtraining.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/BABOK_Guide_v3_Member.pdf
Paul, R., & Elder, L. (2006). The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concepts and Tools. Foundation for Critical Thinking.
What Is Critical Thinking? | Definition & Examples  Published on May 30, 2022 by Eoghan Ryan-  https://www.scribbr.com/working-with-sources/critical-thinking/

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