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Assignment Journal Reflection Current Assignment: Unit 9: Assignment Journal Ref

July 7, 2024

Assignment Journal Reflection
Current Assignment: Unit 9: Assignment Journal Reflection (6 of 6)
You will create 5 entries for your Reflective Journal about a patient encounter. In the 5th entry, you will review the previous 4 entries and evaluate your progress in reflective practice over the course of the term.  Each journal should be a minimum of 250 words. 
The purpose of this reflective journal is self-reflection regarding the role in the process of self-reflection as a PMHNP provider. Through reflective practice, the student will evaluate their own emotional health and recognize one’s own feelings as well as one’s ability to monitor and manage those feelings. The point of the exercise is to learn yourself, your triggers, the types of cases you end up getting overly involved with, and those you’d rather refer to someone else. The idea is to be able to personally reflect on your behaviors/thoughts/decisions and how those impact you in the role of PMHNP. 
Describe a significant event/patient interaction you have experienced anytime in your nursing career up to this week. Discuss the impact this had on you in terms of increasing your understanding of the PMHNP role, psychopathology, and/or the provider-patient relationship. Explore your personal strengths and limitations and their effect on the provider/patient relationship. Include reflection on your therapeutic use of self. Your discussion should reflect your specific learning/insight. Identify something specific that you learned from reflecting on this event/interaction and how will you apply that learning in your future practice?  
Complete this assignment and submit it to this assignment dropbox by Sunday at 11:59 pm CT.
Estimated time to complete: 2 hours
NU673 Unit 9 Assignment – Clinical: Journal Reflection
NU673 Unit 9 Assignment – Clinical: Journal Reflection
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent Reflection
14 pts
Level 5
Reflection demonstrates a high degree of critical thinking in applying, analyzing, and evaluating key course concepts and theories from readings, lectures, media, discussions activities, and/or assignments. Insightful and relevant connections made through contextual explanations, inferences, and examples.
10 pts
Level 3
Reflection demonstrates some degree of critical thinking in applying, analyzing, and/or evaluating key course concepts and theories from readings, lectures, media, discussions activities, and/or assignments. Connections made through explanations, inferences, and/or examples.
6 pts
Level 1
Reflection demonstrates limited critical thinking in applying, analyzing, and/or evaluating key course concepts and theories from readings, lectures, media, discussions, activities, and/or assignments Minimal connections made through explanations, inferences, and/or examples.
0 pts
Level 0
Reflection lacks critical thinking. Superficial connections are made with key course concepts and course materials, activities, and/or assignments.
14 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePersonal Growth
13 pts
Level 5
Conveys strong evidence of reflection on own work with a personal response to the self-assessment questions posed. Demonstrates significant personal growth and awareness of deeper meaning through inferences made, examples, well developed insights, and substantial depth in perceptions and challenges. Synthesizes current experience into future implications.
9 pts
Level 3
Conveys evidence of reflection on own work with a personal response to the self-assessment questions posed. Demonstrates satisfactory personal growth and awareness through some inferences made, examples, insights, and challenges. Some thought of the future implications of current experience.
5 pts
Level 1
Conveys limited evidence of reflection on own work in response to the self-assessment questions posed. Demonstrates less than adequate personal growth and awareness through few or simplistic inferences made, examples, insights, and/or challenges that are not well developed. Minimal thought of the future implications of current experience.
0 pts
Level 0
Conveys inadequate evidence of reflection on own work in response to the self-assessment questions posed. Personal growth and awareness are not evident and/or demonstrates a neutral experience with negligible personal impact. Lacks enough inferences, examples, personal insights and challenges, and/or future implications are overlooked.
13 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality
13 pts
Level 5
Excellent presentation. Reflection is well written and does not contain any errors in grammar or punctuation. Professionalism present.
9 pts
Level 3
Above average presentation. Reflection contains minor errors in grammar and punctuation that do not interfere with the readability of the reflection. Professionalism present.
5 pts
Level 1
Reflection is poorly written or contains multiple errors in grammar and punctuation that interfere with the readability of the reflection. Professionalism needs improvement.
0 pts
Level 0
The reflection is poorly written, missing significant information, or contains multiple errors in grammar and punctuation severely affecting the readability or there is no reflection present.
13 pts
Total Points: 40

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