Assignment Instructions
For this essay assignment, please use content from Chapter 8 of Maag’s textbook to address the following questions.
Describe the focus and purpose of prevention and explain the impact of curricular consideration on students’ behavior problems. How can the curriculum actually contribute to causing behavioral problems? How do those implementing preventive approaches ensure that all students benefit from the curriculum? What accommodations can be made for students who are not adequately learning the curriculum?
Essay Requirements
You should base your assignment on research from your textbook and at least two other relevant sources from the FNU Online Library or sources used in the course.
Please include in-text citations throughout your assignment and the references page at the end; both should be formatted according to APA Guidelines for the APA Tutorial Assignment in Week 4.
The assignment should be a minimum of three to four pages, not counting the references and title pages.
To help format your paper, you can use the template attached below.
Also, please review the rubric to see what is being graded for the content of the essay.
How to Access the FNU Library and Databases:
Please access LIRN through Blackboard. Follow these steps:
Go to
Enter your Blackboard username and password
On the left side menu, click on Tools
Under Tools, click on LIRN System Tool
Note: Following these steps means no password is required for LIRN.