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Assignment Brief: Analysis of Corporate Governance and Sustainability Report of

Assignment Brief: Analysis of Corporate Governance and Sustainability Report of a selected company from the Top 200 AGX [ Australian Stock Exchange] Listed Companies. my selected company is common wealth bank.
Objective: This research-based individual assignment aims to provide an analysis of a top 200 AGX listed company’s latest (2023) Corporate Governance Report and Sustainability Report. In the absence of a Sustainability and Corporate Governance Report, the Company’s Annual Report (2023) or Website Report can be used. The assignment requires critical evaluation of the company’s corporate governance mechanisms and sustainability/CSR activities during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis must incorporate theoretical and practical implications of accounting on these COVID-19-related responses.
Specific Requirements need to be answered: 
A.    A brief background of the selected company’s Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)/sustainability policy and strategy. [ max-2 pages]
B.    Critical evaluation of the company’s corporate governance mechanisms, such as Board structure, risk management, audit committee, etc., with a focus on any changes during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. [ maximum 3 pages]
C.    Critical evaluation of the sustainability/CSR activities undertaken by the company during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic. [max 2 pages]
D.    Have you noticed any technological changes or adaptations in the company, such as the use of AI for operations? What are your thoughts on this adaptation? 
E.    Which theories best explain governance, CSR, and technological changes of your selected company? Apply what you’ve learned from this unit’s lessons. 
Select a company from the top 200 ASX-listed companies in Australia, collect the latest (2023) CSR/Sustainability and Corporate Governance reports, and notify your lecturer by the second week of the semester. As mentioned earlier, in the absence of CSR and Governance report, you might use 2023 annual report. In many cases, the governance report is the part of the annual report. 
2.     The assignment should be between 1500-2000 words including references.
3.     Times New Roman, font 11, space 1.5 .
4.     The format of the assignment is flexible, but it must provide an analysis of the following components: 
Structure of the Assignment:
1.     Introduction
2.     Answer to the specific questions (A -E).
3.     Concluding Remarks
4.     References
The analysis must be supported by contemporary academic literature, and proper referencing (Harvard referencing style) must be used.
Note: Maintaining originality in your writing is crucial, even if you seek assistance from Chat GPT for preparing your assignment. It is imperative to rephrase the information obtained from the AI tool to align with the assignment requirements and guidelines. Additionally, it is necessary to provide proper attribution for any content or ideas sourced from Chat GPT. Please note that we will employ AI tools to check the originality of your assignment. Also, because assignment requirements are very specific and context specific, AI tools would not be effective in obtaining appropriate answers.
Steps can be followed to prepare the assignment: 
1.     Understand the assignment requirements: It’s important to carefully read and understand the requirements of the assignment. Make sure you know what is expected of you, including the scope of the assignment, the type of assignment, the format, and the submission requirements. As the assignment has very specific questions, relying on the AI such as Chat GPT will not guarantee your pass marks. The earlier evidence suggests that students used open search, cut, copy and paste using AI failed the unit.
2.     Research: Once you understand the requirements, it’s time to start researching the topic. Use reputable sources such as academic journals, books, and articles to gather information. Make sure to take detailed notes as you go along.
3.     Plan and organize: Before you start writing, create an outline or a plan of how you will structure your assignment. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that your assignment flows logically.
4.     Write the first draft: With your plan in place, start writing the first draft. Don’t worry too much about getting everything perfect at this stage. Just focus on getting your ideas down on the assignment.
5.     Edit and revise: Once you’ve completed the first draft, take a break and then come back to it later with fresh eyes. Review your work for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Check to see that your writing is clear and concise, and that you have supported your arguments with evidence.
6.     Format and submit: Make sure that your assignment is formatted according to the requirements and that you have followed any submission instructions. Proofread one final time before submitting.
7.     This is an individual assignment with clear requirements at the start of the semester. As a result, no excuses will be accepted for late or missed submissions. 
8.     Your lecturer will periodically remind you of assignments and requirements in class. 
9.     This unit is one of the largest, with hundreds of students. Please, do not ask your lecturer or unit coordinator to review your assignment prior to submission. Your lecturer may be able to provide you with general guidelines for completing a high-quality assignment. 

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