2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Assignment 1: Directions: Create a time line that includes important dates, even

July 9, 2024

Assignment 1:
Create a time line that includes important dates, events, and historical figures that are part of the history of California from the mid-19th century until close to the present time. Simply identify events, historical figures, and dates and write a sentence about why each entry is significant to California history.  This time line is essentially a long list of entries starting with the end of the Gold Rush Era through “the present” (using lectures, films, and readings to create your timeline).  For this timeline, please focus your attention on the content we covered in class from week 4  through week 7.(the chapter 13-Competing Visions A History of California Complete Textbook PDFs)
Assignment 2:
Write a mini-essay of approximately 300 words that provides a brief history of Hetch Hetchy Reservoir in the Yosemite Valley (see page 220 of text an this week’s fil on Hetch Hetchy) in terms of identifying the main points of controversy and then provide your own opinion about whether or not the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir should or should not have been built. Offer concrete reasons for your stance. 
Assignment 3:
Film Review (300 words) of Hetch Hetchy:  In this review: (1) provide a brief summary of the film on Hetch Hetchy;  and (2) describe the part(s) of the film that made the most profound impression on you. 

Assignment 4:
Write a mini-essay of approximately 300 words that identifies 3 historical facts/happenings that most caught your attention while reading  pages 160-161, 179, 196, 250-268, 343-344 of our textbook (Cherny, et. al) regarding authors/writers and/or writings in California.  What are these three facts and why exactly did they catch your attention?
Assignment 5:
Film Review (300 words) of :  In this review: (1) provide a brief summary of the film on William Randolph Hearst ; (2) describe the part(s) of the film that made the most profound impression on you; and (3) describe the influence William Randolph Hearst had in California history

Assignment 6:
Write a mini-essay of approximately 300 words that identifies 3 historical facts/happenings that most caught your attention while reading chapters 6 and 7.  What are these three facts and why exactly did they catch your attention?
Assignment 7:
Film Review (300 words) of :  In this review: (1) provide a brief summary of the film ; (2) describe the part(s) of the film that made the most profound impression on you; and (3) describe how the film does and/or does not reinforce content in chapter 7 of our textbook.
Assignment 8:
Film Review (300 words) of Zoot Suit Riots:  In this review: (1) describe the Zoot Suit Riots and the time when and location where it took place; (2) describe the part(s) of the film that made the most profound impression on you; and (3) describe what the film did particularly well and aspects of the film that could use some improvement.
Assignment 9: 
Write a mini-essay of approximately 300 words that identifies 3 examples of racism in California history. Please describe each example in detail, and the harmful impact each of these forms of racism has had on individuals and communities.
Assignment 1: 
Your assignment is a scenario application.  You—
Your submission contains one part—
Responses to the prompts
Read the scenario below. As you read, whether the scenario reveals Ursula, the speaker, was ethical or unethical.  
Ursula is developing a speech on the importance of organ donation. Her research has found many impressive statistics but needs an exciting story to impress her audience and persuade them to become organ donors. Ursula can’t find a real story she likes, so she takes elements of several stories and pieces them together into a single story. Her speech was a huge success; six classmates signed up as organ donors immediately after her presentation. 

First, apply the ethics pyramidLinks to an external site. to explain Ursula’s intent, means, and end. Then, answer the following questions: If a speech intends to get people to do something considered good, helpful, needed, etc., is it justifiable to do what Ursula did, or was she unethical?
Explain using at least 350 words and include two vocabulary words or concepts from this week’s reading other than intent, means, and end. Those words do not count.
Please place your vocabulary words or concepts in BOLD.   
Your paper by using the ‘Start Assignment’ icon.
There are no required references.  
Feedback for classmates is not required. 
You submit by copying and pasting your 350+ word answer right into the text entry box or typing directly into the text entry box. You do not upload a document or link to a shared drive or doc. 
Checklist to success  
Did you make sure to write at least 350 words in total?
Does your answer cover the three parts of the ethics pyramid as it applies to Ursula’s presentation? 
Did you answer the question? 
Have you incorporated two vocabulary words or concepts other than intent, means, and end?
Is the vocabulary or concepts in BOLD?
Have you checked your grammar and spelling using a free grammar checker like ScribinsLinks to an external site.? 
Rubric scores appear in your grade book, as well as personalized notes. 
If you are still getting familiar with the grade book, read the instructions for the student view of the Canvas grade book.
Assignment 2:
Your assignment is a paper.  
Your submission contains one part—
Your paper. 
Your paper by using the blue ‘Start Assignment’ icon. Canvas assignments work differently than discussions. Open Canvas’s ‘how to page’ on assignmentsLinks to an external site.. 
There are no required references.  
Feedback for classmates is not required. 
You submit by copying and pasting your paper into the text entry box or typing directly into the text entry box.
You do not upload a document or link to a shared drive or doc.  
Checklist to success 
Did you write a 750-900 word paper analyzing the Mayor’s speech?
Did you cover the meaning of ethos, pathos, and logos in the paper and provide two examples of each appeal?
Have you indicated whether the speech is informative or persuasive and why?  
Have you checked your grammar and spelling using a free grammar checker like  Scribins? 
Rubric scores appear in your grade book, as well as personalized notes. 
If you are still getting familiar with the grade book, read the instructions for the student view of the Canvas grade book.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pPNg7NV0Cg

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