Use and only use the following 4 sources, review essay of required readings.
van Doorn, Niels. (2017). Platform labor: on the gendered and racialized exploitation of low-income service work in the ‘on-demand’ economy. Information, Communication & Society.
Brophy, E, & Grayer, S. B. (2019). Platform Organizing. Logout! (#8)
Hesmondhalgh, D. (2020). Is music streaming bad for musicians? Problems of evidence and argument. New Media & Society.
Picchi, A. (2018, April 19). Inside an Amazon warehouse. CBS News.
Summarize and Synthesize: In doing this assignment, you should be able to summarize and synthesize the core lessons from the academic sources, especially how they relate to the context of the course. What are the main arguments? What concepts and theories are covered? Why are they significant in the context of this course?
Assess and Evaluate: After summarizing a source, it may be helpful to evaluate it in your own words. Is it a useful source? How does it compare with other sources in your paper? What evidence is provided? What can you tell us about the overall strength and weakness of the authors’ writing, argument, and usefulness?
Relate and Reflect: Here, you demonstrate your ability to relate the reading to the other sources in the essay as well as to your broader learning from other course materials?