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As this module page explained, charismatic leadership can be good and bad! pleas

April 11, 2024

As this module page explained, charismatic leadership can be good and bad!
please post a couple of paragraphs on why you think charismatic leaders are “bad.”
Find at least one real world example (not from your readings) to illustrate your point AND include at least one Internet source. Don’t forget to give the Internet URL in your post.
reading below (more info if needed)
Reading: Charismatic Leadership
Charismatic Leadership
Charismatic leaders don’t doubt their own decisions, they move forward unwaveringly and believe that the decisions they make are the correct ones. They move through a crowd of their followers shaking hands and lending an encouraging word. They are undeniably clear on their expectations and where they see the company going. They have mastered the art of developing images for themselves that others want to emulate. Charismatic leaders have four common personality traits (Conger, Kanungo, 1998):
High degree of confidence and lack of internal conflict
High energy and enthusiasm
Good communication skills
Good image and role model
The relationship between charismatic leader and followers is an emotional one . In order for a charismatic leader to be effective, the situation has to be right. There are four situations required for a charismatic leader to have success:
Organization is in a time of crisis or stress.
Organization is in need of change.
There is opportunity for the organization to have new goals or direction.
Availability of dramatic symbols (like the CEO taking a pay cut or donating his salary to charity)
Culturally speaking, those cultures with a tradition of prophetic salvation (e.g., Christianity, Islam) are more welcoming of the charismatic leader, while cultures without prophetic tradition are less likely to embrace them.
Charismatic/Narcissistic Leader Style
Charismatic leadership can sometimes go awry—just think about the relationship between the leaders and followers in a cult. Narcissistic leaders are visionary and charismatic, with a keen ability to attract and inspire followers. According to the Mayo Clinic, “Narcissistic personality disorder {is] one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others.”1
Anthropologist and psychoanalyst Michael Maccoby observes that “one reason we look to productive narcissists in times of great transition is that they have the audacity to push through the massive transformations that society periodically undertakes. Productive narcissists are not only risk takers willing to get the job done but also charmers who can convert the masses with their rhetoric.”2 [NOTE: see the reference below for this article – it’s definitely worth reading to learn the pros and cons of charismatic/narcissitic leaders like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Jeff Bezos.
Narcissism exists on a continuum from normal to pathological. To Maccoby’s point, narcissistic leaders can be viewed as either productive or unproductive. Although narcissistic leaders can be transformational leaders, they can also be toxic to an organization. Narcissists tend to listen only to information and advice that supports their view, regardless of the reality. Their sense of supreme self-worth, combined with a continual need for affirmation, eliminates independent thought and creates a culture of yes people. Organizations led by narcissists are typically characterized by fierce internal competition and changing alliances. This culture can be energizing or, if everyone and everything is perceived as a threat, destructive.
Would you consider Haruka Nishimatsu, the CEO of Japan Arlines, a charismatic/narcissitic leader?

In spite of a limited amount of scientific study where charismatic leaders are concerned, researchers agree there are applications and lessons to be learned out of this type of leadership. Leaders should have belief in their own actions. They should seek to develop bonds with their followers. And they must be able to communicate their messages clearly.
The following video delves deeper into charisma, including the dark side of charisma and whether or not charisma can be taught!

1 https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/narcissistic-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20366662Links to an external site.
2 Maccoby, Michael. “Narcissistic Leaders: The Incredible Pros, the Inevitable Cons.” Harvard Business Review. January 2004. Accessed May 5, 2021. https://hbr.org/2004/01/narcissistic-leaders-the-incredible-pros-the-inevitable-consLinks to an external site.
Leadership Styles from Boundless Management. Provided by: Boundless. Located at: https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-management/Links to an external site.. License: CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlikeLinks to an external site.
Humble CEO. Provided by: BBC. Located at:
https://youtu.be/niUZxpLTbHkLinks to an external site.
. License: CC BY-NC-ND: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivativesLinks to an external site.

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