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As the gates of “Jurassic Park” open, viewers are brought into a world where the

May 14, 2024

As the gates of “Jurassic Park” open, viewers are brought into a world where the marvels of science clash with the amazing force of nature, promising an adventure of great proportions. In this film, a billionaire philanthropist sends an invitation to scientists to his island theme park where genetically resurrected dinosaurs roam freely. However, chaos occurs when the park’s security systems fail, setting the dinosaurs loose on its clueless visitors. Although the action movie “Jurassic Park” captivates audiences with its stunning visual effects, its lack of depth in character development and predictable plot take away from its over impact and significance.
One of the film’s noticeable flaws lie within its character development. Dr. Alan Grant and Dr. Ellie Sattler, among others, are presented more as shallow character types than fully developed individuals, lacking the depth that would make them truly compelling. This movie also does not seem to be very complex making it difficult for viewers to be emotionally invested in these characters’ journeys. Additionally, the movie has a heavy emphasis on action, which may overlook opportunities for deeper exploration of the characters’ motivations and relationships. With a greater focus on character development alongside its wonderful action sequences, this movie had the potential to achieve greatness.
Moreover, the plot of “Jurassic Park” takes a  predictable path, from the initial excitement of the park’s grand opening to the imminent chaos that arises when things go wrong. The predictability of “Jurassic Park” reduces its tension and suspense, as viewers can anticipate many of the film’s twists. While the film relies on themes of arrogance and the consequences of nature, these themes are often overlooked by the excitement of dionosaurs. Incorporating a turn of events that audiences would not expect would not have only greatened its suspense, but also had viewers on the edge of their seats, in anticipation what would have happen next, and enhanced their overall experience. 
However, despite these flaws, “Jurassic Park” remains a masterpeice in the filed of visual effects. The film’s wonderful use of CGI brings the dinosaurs to look incredibly realistic, putting audiences in a world where these ancient creatures roam  on the Earth. The excitement of dinosaurs contributes significantly to the film’s appeal, despite its simple narrative.
In conclusion, while “Jurassic Park” impresses many with its phenomenal visual effects, its little characterization and predictable plot prevent it from reaching true greatness. Like a great dinosaur skeleton on display, the movie captivates with its outside beauty but lacks the depth needed to leave an everlasting impact. While it will always be remembered for its visual luxury, “Jurassic Park” may be viewed as a testament to the achievements of its era but ultimately lacking the influence to transcend generations.

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