Discussion Prompt #1 – Juvenile’s as Adults?
The juvenile justice system has evolved into a parallel yet independent system of justice with its own terminology and rules of prosecution. The primary purpose of juvenile procedures is protection and treatment; with adults, the aim is to punish the guilty. Are there any circumstances in which you believe that a juvenile may be tried as adults? On what basis have you arrived at this answer?
Discussion Prompt #2 – After School Programs
A major preventive advantage of school for juveniles is the monitoring and social control that principals, teachers, and other school staff provide. Some juveniles are on their own after school because their parents are at work. This time period can create opportunities for crime and delinquency. After-school programs can keep children and adolescents engaged in structured, prosocial activities until their parents return from work. How important are after-school programs for at-risk youth? Provide an example of an after-school youth program that is effective in engaging children and adolescents.