2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


Anatomy Lab Project: The Patient’s Journey Through Diagnostic Testing Objective:

June 13, 2024

Anatomy Lab Project: The Patient’s Journey Through Diagnostic Testing
Objective: In a narrative format, students will detail the experience of a patient undergoing a diagnostic test. Through the eyes of a medical professional within the story, students will explain the anatomical basis of the chosen test, how it works, the waiting period for results, and the interpretation of the findings.
Exemplary (10 points)
Proficient (8-9 points)
Basic (5-7 points)
Needs Improvement (3-4 points)
Unsatisfactory (0-2 points)
Explanation of Test Mechanism
Mechanism of the diagnostic test is thoroughly and accurately explained with precise anatomical and clinical details.
Mechanism is explained clearly with most key details included.
Some parts of the mechanism are mentioned, but it lacks depth or clarity.
Mechanism is vaguely mentioned or contains significant errors.
Mechanism is not mentioned or is grossly inaccurate.
Visual Aids
Visual aids are highly relevant, clear, and enhance understanding. They are effectively integrated into the narrative.
Visual aids are relevant and mostly clear. Some minor enhancements could be made for better integration.
Visual aids are present but may not fully align with the narrative or may lack clarity.
Visual aids are minimal, not well-integrated, or lack relevance.
Visual aids are missing or entirely irrelevant.
Citation of Sources
All sources are appropriately and consistently cited. Relies on high-quality, reputable sources.
Most sources are cited with a few inconsistencies. Quality of sources is generally good.
Some sources are cited, but there are significant omissions or inconsistencies in format.
Few sources are cited and/or the format is inconsistent. Quality of sources might be questionable.
Does not cite sources or uses inappropriate/inaccurate sources.
Narrative Quality
The narrative is exceptionally engaging, demonstrating creativity, clear patient-medical professional interaction, and a coherent flow from start to finish.
The narrative is engaging for the most part, with a clear storyline and good character interactions.
The narrative has a discernible structure but may lack some elements of engagement or clarity in areas.
The narrative lacks strong coherence, engagement, or clear structure.
The narrative is disjointed, lacks clear interactions, or shows no effort towards a coherent story.
Word Count
The narrative meets the 300-word count minimum
The narrative is within 275-300 words
The narrative is slightly outside of the optimal range, being between 250-275 words.
The narrative deviates significantly from the desired word count, being between 225-250 words.
The narrative is under 225 words
Total Possible Points: 50
Submission Deadline: Failure to submit by the deadline results in an automatic score of 0 for the entire assignment.
Gordon Rule Assignment: Your writing requirement will be fulfilled by
contributing research done on this assignment. Since this counts as your Gordon-Rule requirement I will check spelling and grammar as well as thoughtfulness and logic of content. Your written work will be evaluated by content and by writing skills (grammatical correctness, correct use of terms, logical sentence construction, proper use of paragraphs etc.) The evaluation for these assignments is, due to the very nature of assessing use of language, to some degree subjective. You will
receive a pass or fail grade. Note: This class (BSC 2085L) cannot be passed without
submitting a satisfactory Gordon Rule assignment.
”. Any work that is not the genuine product of the student submitting it (for example a plagiarized
comment) will receive a failing grade and lead to further disciplinary action.

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Will you deliver it on time?

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Can you get me a good grade? It’s my final project and I need a good grade.

Yes! We only pick projects where we are sure we’ll deliver good grades.

What do you need to get started on my paper?

* The full assignment instructions as they appear on your school account.

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* Any templates or additional files required to complete the assignment.

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