Answer the following questions on Chapters 9 & 10 of the textbook Organized Crime: Analyzing Illegal Activities, Criminal Structures, and Extra-legal Governance.
Include a brief explanation for each answer.
1. Von Lampe notes that illegal markets are not constant across space and time, specifically citing markets for illegal cigarettes and illegal drugs. Why are there such drastic variations in these and other illegal markets depending on geographical location?
2. Organized crime is often equated with the provision of illegal
goods and services. According to Chapter 9, which of the following are used to explain the demand for illegal goods and services:
A. Genetic and biological factors
B. Psychiatric disorders
C. Social problems such as poverty
D. All of the above
3. Watch the following video about Asia’s kidney black market: The organ trafficking being discussed in the video is an example of:
A. Illegal markets as products of political decisions
B. Supply-driven illegal markets
C. Illegal markets as products of rational consumer choices
D. None of the above