Harold and Maude is a cult classic 1971 ‘black comedy’ film that details the curious relationship between a wealthy 20-year-old named Harold, and a 79-year-old Holocaust survivor named Maude. Harold and Maude is an outrageously campy, over-the-top, dark comedy, but also a story laden with a deep and important message about living life fully in the present moment of existence.
Read the discussion questions below before watching the film so you will know exactly on what content to focus when watching the film.
Access to the Film
The film is available free in HD on streaming channel Pluto accessible from many streaming devices (Roku, etc.). The film is also available in HD for those who have subscriiptions to Amazon Prime Video or CBS All Access. A DVD is available for checkout at the Collin College Plano Campus Library, and many local public libraries.
After watching the film, answer the discussion questions below and submit your answers using the submission form on this page. Number and answer each question separately. Omit the discussion questions; submit only your numbered answers.
NOTE: While it is important to answer each of the questions calling for explanation in a thorough manner, note that of all the questions for Harold and Maude, #3 regarding links to Maslow’s theory is the most significant. So be sure to include thorough commentary on #3.
Discussion Questions for Harold and Maude:
Analyze the personality of the character of Maude. In terms of personality traits, describe her personality.
Analyze the personality of the character of Harold. In terms of personality traits, describe his personality.
Discuss the character of Maude in terms of Maslow’s 15 characteristics he observed in self-actualizing persons. Which of the characteristics are seen in Maude? Give specific examples from the film to support each of the characteristics you list.
Briefly discuss the character of Harold in the context of any theory or concept covered in the course.
For each of the following characters, describe the personality of each using one (and only one) word:
Mrs. Chasen (Harold’s mother):
Uncle Victor:
Sunshine Dore’:
The priest:
The psychiatrist:
There are a number of metaphors in the film, including the ‘little tree.’ For what is the tree a metaphor?
Discuss your personal reaction to film. What aspects (if any) did you like or find most interesting and inspiring? What aspects (if any) did you not like or find uninteresting or troubling?
What is the most significant thing you learned from (or took away from) watching the film?
Any additional comments?