A business proposal is a formal presentation of a solution to a problem. In our case: the required update of the local office of a notional company. undefined
The presentation is made using a Power Point and a multi-page Word Document. (10+ pages) They both need to look professional and show why your proposed course of action should be approved. undefined Do an Internet search for Business Proposals to learn more; note there are many types. Include at least three URLs of where you researched Business proposals at the very end of your Proposal Document (don’t forget date visited).undefined A typical proposal document will include the following:undefined A cover page (required)
A table of contents to find pertinent paragraphs (required)
An Executive Summary – for management to quickly figure out what it’s all about. (Must be short!) (required) (Explain very briefly what you want and why)
An explanation of the task (Explain what you propose and why)
Recommend a solution
Your qualifications (to help us understand why we should listen to you)
Show options and prices (explain your process, embed spreadsheet and charts, show how prices are affected by components)
Benefits of your solution (Why your recommendation is best)
Other pertinent items (What it will take to implement the acquisition)
Your contact information
Any other references (including those three URLs / dates)
undefined This is accompanied by a visual presentation (PowerPoint) in support. You or your boss will be doing the briefing. Include the salient points with tables, charts, and graphics. Often there are some speaker notes, and a hidden slide or two with a different option, should management want to go a different route. Be sure to use a header or footer and include at least a slide number. Suggested procedure:undefined Write what you think is important, then arrange things to ensure proper flow.
When you are done, write the executive summary.
Then start the PowerPoint to support your document.
Spell-check, grammar-check both. Then read for errors and flow.
Adjust as needed.
Check to see if you met all the requirements of this assignment.
If satisfied, then submit it (upload each in SIMnet).
Your boss (instructor) made gave you feedback and is ready for a final draft to submit this purchase proposal to corporate HQ to get the funding.undefinedTake your Lesson 4 recommendation about which computer to purchase, and expand on it based on your instructor’s comments and submit in the format below.undefinedYour submission will be two parts:undefinedCreate a nicely formatted, professional business proposal document for distribution at the board meeting. You will download the start file from the lesson 8 folder in SIMnet.
Create an accompanying PowerPoint presentation which will be shown during the board meeting, highlighting the important parts of the proposal. You will download the start file from the lesson 8 folder in SIMnet.
undefinedYour proposal document must contain:undefinedThree or more concepts learned from Word Chapter 2
Three or more concepts learned from Word Chapter 3
Three or more concepts learned from Word Chapter 4
Three or more concepts learned from Excel Chapter 2
Three or more concepts learned from Excel Chapter 3
Three or more concepts learned from Excel Chapter 8
undefinedYour presentation must contain aesthetically pleasing business style and formatting to include:undefinedAnimations
Graphics (Clip Art & Pictures)
Requirements: Exactly as presented