2173 Salk Avenue, Suite 250 Carlsbad, CA


America’s journey is complex and ever-changing.  Our presidents have acted as le

July 11, 2024

America’s journey is complex and ever-changing.  Our presidents have acted as leaders along this journey, often making decisions that have vast implications for our history as a nation.  In this assignment, you will research a president from this semester (mostly 20th century) that you believe has had an intense contribution to our American history and place him in conversation with a cultural/social event or issue that occurred during his tenure in office.  How do the president’s actions influence and respond to social change and unrest?  For example, you may choose to analyze John Kennedy’s decisions in the Oval office that had an influence on the Civil Rights movement and Martin Luther King.  Are King’s and Kennedy’s definitions of freedom in sync with one another?  You will engage fully with the issues surrounding the “top-down” presidency and the social and political perspectives from the “bottom-up.”  You must use specific examples.   Your paper should be 1,500 words and include a bibliography with two sources that are NOT internet blog sources. 
COC Library Distance Education Resources
Chicago Manual Style is preferred, but MLA and APA formatting will be accepted.  Chicago Manual Style Formatting
Examples of other thesis arguments
Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal and Reform of the Progressives
Hoover’s Great Depression financial response and the Bonus Army
FDR’s WWII response and gender issues or Japanese internment
Truman and Eisenhower’s Cold War and ethnic minorities
Nixon’s silent majority and suburbia
Bush’s post 9/11 civil liberties responses
Obama’s economic initiatives and Affordable Care
Chicago Style is used in most history classes, and because history places such a large importance on source origins, footnotes are used to show where a particular piece of information came from. In-text references are assigned a particular number (1, 2, 3, etc.) and a footnote will appear at the bottom of the page to link the source to the in-text reference. For example:
Professor Janet Farrell Brodie argues that couples in the 19th century had concerns about frequent pregnancies primarily because of health concerns.1
For help with Chicago Style formatting, please see CMS Handout on Canvas or The Learning Center.  
PRESIDENTIAL History Report – 20% of the final grade. 5-7 pages  – Rubric and assignment detailed below.    Please do NOT email me your paper.
Presidential History Paper Rubric
Presidential History Paper Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis and Focus
Masterful demonstrates an engaging and fully developed thesis focused on historical study applicable to course
20 pts
16 pts
12 pts
8 pts
4 pts
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupporting Historical Details
Masterful shows consistent evidence from historical study and current scholarship
20 pts
16 pts
12 pts
8 pts
4 pts
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStructure
Structure is paragraphs are well developed and appropriately divided. Paper is well within 5-7 page range
20 pts
16 pts
12 pts
8 pts
4 pts
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTone and Presentation of Historical Content
Clear presentation with tone and point-of-view appropriate for assignment
20 pts
16 pts
12 pts
8 pts
4 pts
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar
Each sentence structured effectively and powerfully. No grammatical errors
10 pts
8 pts
6 pts
4 pts
2 pts
10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVocabulary and Word Usage
Vocabulary range.
10 pts
8 pts
6 pts
4 pts
2 pts
10 pts
Total Points: 100

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