Write a 5-6 page paper focused on how race works in practice in American culture. See the formatting guidelines below.
Your task: Using relevant information from Gods of the Upper Air and at least two other evidence- based sources (e.g., academic articles, online articles with sources [try to avoid wikis though – better to use the sources Wikipedia uses, rather than the text], news pieces from credible news organizations, etc.) present an original analysis of one facet of the dynamics of race in the United States at a particular place and time.
What do I mean by an “original analysis”? Well, I mean that given the evidence you use, you should feel free to state your own view. This is not, however, an opinion essay. You must back up your perspective with a minimum of three [3] sources. Additionally, “analysis” also means that what you describe should have a direct relationship to actual events, policies, or practices, and that you are interpreting what you are describing. That is, you are not just saying “this is the way it is.” You are also examining, in some reasonable detail, how something works, why it works the way it works, and what the consequences are or have been because something works the way it works.
What do I mean by “a particular place and time”? I mean just that. You cannot be expected to write about the entire culture of the U.S. in such a short paper, presentation, or project. So get specific on my ass (so to speak). Present a specific event, or discuss a specific city, or neighborhood, organization, or series of events that may interest you. Something such as: Public education in Florida during racial segregation. Or, The rise of the Oath Keepers and January 6, 2021. Or, Racism in the LGBTQ+ community from the 1970s-1990s. Or, The Black Press in Chicago before World War II. Or, Racist elements in the defense of Derek Chauvin, March-April 2021.
Formatting guidelines for the traditional essay option:
• Typed with 11 or 12 pt font of your choice
• Double-spaced
• Approximately 5-6 pages in length (5-6.5 pages also accepted. I will read no more than 6.5 pages and no
fewer than 5).
• Standard margins throughout
• Name, date and course number on upper left or right hand corner of the first page only. Don’t put this
information in the header.
• No title page (what a waste of space or paper!)
• Cite your sources – AND, don’t cite just quotes; also cite major points of information that you draw directly from the texts you are using.
• For citing please use parenthetical referencing (not footnotes), and please include a full references cited page.