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All papers will be processed through the Ouriginal system on Brightspace to iden

July 8, 2024

All papers will be processed through the Ouriginal system on Brightspace to identify plagiarism.
The themes explored in this assignment include human-animal-nature-culture relations; biodiversity, ecology and niche, rainforest habitat, environmental challenges and conservation, and the meaning(s) of and values attached to nature in non-Western and Western societies. 
Research Essay Assignment:
a) From the list below, choose a topic of interest. 
b) Use formal writing style (no slang, complete sentences, do not use I, me, my in your essay, do not use contractions – such as don’t or they’re – in your writing. 
c) Continue to carry out research to collect enough information on various aspects of your topic. 
d)**Students should start with the references provided with each topic below and find 8-10 additional peer-reviewed published sources (books or articles) in carrying out their research.
e) Write a formal 7-8 page essay (12 pt. Times Roman font, double spaced with 1” margins) (2400 word maximum) with a separate cover page and separate Bibliography listing (alphabetically by last name) all  references used, in APA style. You analysis should include ethnographic examples to illustrate your discussion.   
f) Your paper must include a cover page with the essay title identifying the topic, your name, student number, course name and number , professor’s name, word count, and date submitted.   
Essay Topics: 
You must write on one of the following topics.You must draw on some of the references listed with each topic to ensure you are approaching issues from an anthropological perspective.
1) The goals of some environmental movements can conflict with the interests of local social groups or Indigenous societies. Discuss 1-2 of these potential conflicts listed below, drawing on ethnographic cases to illustrate: rights to whaling; anti-fur campaigns; re-wilding initiatives and the re-introduction of locally extinct species; eco-tourism (P. West 2004, McDermott Hughes 2005; Larsen 2017).
2) The establishment of conservation areas is an important environmental strategy aimed at maintaining biodiversity and reducing species extinctions. Yet these efforts sometimes neglect or seriously impact the needs of subsistence strategies and access to resources that provide for local Indigenous peoples. Explain and discuss this kind of conflict and compare/illustrate with two ethnographic examples .(N. Mansuy et al 2023 in Facets; Cultural Survival 2010; M. Colshester 2003; John Galaty; P. West, T. Heatherington; IWGIA Reports).
3) Environmental anthropology includes the study of ethno-botany, a study of human-plant relations that can provide anthropologists great insight into the ‘worldview and ontologies’ of many societies. Discuss and explain, using several ethnographic examples to illustrate (R. Ellen 1986; Bulmer; Plotkin 2000; Anderson 2016; F. Berkes; Willerslev 2007). 

4) The United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) recently marked its 50th Anniversary as a global agency that monitors and provides advice on urgent environmental concerns. Discuss the mandate of the UNDP and the most pressing issues it addresses today, as well as some of the challenges it currently faces as an agency of global governance (for background, see Nature 591:8, 2021). 
5) Explore current themes on the significance that ‘forests’ can carry for 2-3 different cultures; not only for livelihood but also in relation to cosmological beliefs, biodiversity, ethnoecology, and as sacred sites. How have cultural views influenced the legal rights of trees’ movement?  (Bell &West 2015; (Haberman 2013, Bell and West 2015; E. Kohn, Plotkin, Chandel 2022; Stone 2010).  

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